# Copyright (c) 2009, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is designed to work with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have either included with # the program or referenced in the documentation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # # Global constants, only to be changed between major releases. # SET(SHARED_LIB_MAJOR_VERSION "24") SET(SHARED_LIB_MINOR_VERSION "1") SET(PROTOCOL_VERSION "10") # Generate "something" to trigger cmake rerun when MYSQL_VERSION changes CONFIGURE_FILE( ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/MYSQL_VERSION ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/VERSION.dep ) # Read value for a variable from MYSQL_VERSION. MACRO(MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE keyword var) IF(NOT ${var}) FILE (STRINGS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/MYSQL_VERSION str REGEX "^[ ]*${keyword}=") IF(str) STRING(REPLACE "${keyword}=" "" str ${str}) STRING(REGEX REPLACE "[ ].*" "" str "${str}") SET(${var} ${str}) ENDIF() ENDIF() ENDMACRO() # Read mysql version for configure script MACRO(GET_MYSQL_VERSION) MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_VERSION_MAJOR" MAJOR_VERSION) MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_VERSION_MINOR" MINOR_VERSION) MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_VERSION_PATCH" PATCH_VERSION) MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA" EXTRA_VERSION) IF(NOT DEFINED MAJOR_VERSION OR NOT DEFINED MINOR_VERSION OR NOT DEFINED PATCH_VERSION) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "MYSQL_VERSION file cannot be parsed.") ENDIF() MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY" MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY) IF(NOT DEFINED MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "MYSQL_VERSION file cannot be parsed, missing version attributes.") ENDIF() IF(NOT MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY STREQUAL "\"LTS\"" AND NOT MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY STREQUAL "\"INNOVATION\"") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY can be set to INNOVATION or LTS.") ENDIF() # Versions like 8.0.x, 8.4.x, and x.7.y (x > 8) should be LTS IF ((MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "8" AND MINOR_VERSION EQUAL "0" AND PATCH_VERSION GREATER "34") OR (MAJOR_VERSION EQUAL "8" AND MINOR_VERSION EQUAL "4") OR (MAJOR_VERSION GREATER "8" AND MINOR_VERSION EQUAL "7")) IF (NOT MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY STREQUAL "\"LTS\"") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Version ${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}.${PATCH_VERSION} should " "be an LTS release.") ENDIF() ELSE() IF (NOT MYSQL_VERSION_MATURITY STREQUAL "\"INNOVATION\"") MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Version ${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}.${PATCH_VERSION} should " "be an innovation release.") ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(VERSION "${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}.${PATCH_VERSION}${EXTRA_VERSION}") MESSAGE(STATUS "MySQL ${VERSION}") SET(MYSQL_BASE_VERSION "${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}" CACHE INTERNAL "MySQL Base version") SET(MYSQL_NO_DASH_VERSION "${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}.${PATCH_VERSION}") STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^-" "." MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA_DOT "${EXTRA_VERSION}") SET(VERSION_SRC "${VERSION}") MATH(EXPR MYSQL_VERSION_ID "10000*${MAJOR_VERSION} + 100*${MINOR_VERSION} + ${PATCH_VERSION}") MARK_AS_ADVANCED(VERSION MYSQL_VERSION_ID MYSQL_BASE_VERSION) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MAJOR ${MAJOR_VERSION}) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_MINOR ${MINOR_VERSION}) SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VERSION_PATCH ${PATCH_VERSION}) # Read MySQL Cluster version values from MYSQL_VERSION, these are optional # as by default MySQL Cluster is using the MySQL Server version MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION_MAJOR" CLUSTER_MAJOR_VERSION) MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION_MINOR" CLUSTER_MINOR_VERSION) MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION_PATCH" CLUSTER_PATCH_VERSION) MYSQL_GET_CONFIG_VALUE("MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION_EXTRA" CLUSTER_EXTRA_VERSION) # Set MySQL Cluster version same as the MySQL Server version # unless a specific MySQL Cluster version has been specified # in the MYSQL_VERSION file. This is the version used when creating # the cluster package names as well as by all the NDB binaries. IF(DEFINED CLUSTER_MAJOR_VERSION AND DEFINED CLUSTER_MINOR_VERSION AND DEFINED CLUSTER_PATCH_VERSION) # Set MySQL Cluster version to the specific version defined in MYSQL_VERSION SET(MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION "${CLUSTER_MAJOR_VERSION}") SET(MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION "${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}.${CLUSTER_MINOR_VERSION}") SET(MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION "${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}.${CLUSTER_PATCH_VERSION}") IF(DEFINED CLUSTER_EXTRA_VERSION) SET(MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION "${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}${CLUSTER_EXTRA_VERSION}") ENDIF() ELSE() # Set MySQL Cluster version to the same as MySQL Server, possibly # overriding the extra version with value specified in MYSQL_VERSION # This might be used when MySQL Cluster is still released as DMR # while MySQL Server is already GA. SET(MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION "${MAJOR_VERSION}.${MINOR_VERSION}.${PATCH_VERSION}") IF(DEFINED CLUSTER_EXTRA_VERSION) # Using specific MySQL Cluster extra version SET(MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION "${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}${CLUSTER_EXTRA_VERSION}") # Override the extra version for rpm packages STRING(REGEX REPLACE "^-" "." MYSQL_VERSION_EXTRA_DOT "${CLUSTER_EXTRA_VERSION}") ELSE() SET(MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION "${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}${EXTRA_VERSION}") ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(WITH_NDB) MESSAGE(STATUS "MySQL Cluster version: ${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}") SET(VERSION_SRC "${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}") # Set suffix to indicate that this is MySQL Server built for MySQL Cluster SET(MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX "-cluster") ENDIF() ENDMACRO() # Get mysql version and other interesting variables GET_MYSQL_VERSION() SET(SHARED_LIB_PATCH_VERSION ${PATCH_VERSION}) SET(MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT "3306") IF(NOT MYSQL_TCP_PORT) SET(MYSQL_TCP_PORT ${MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT}) SET(MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT "0") ELSEIF(MYSQL_TCP_PORT EQUAL MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT) SET(MYSQL_TCP_PORT_DEFAULT "0") ENDIF() IF(NOT MYSQL_ADMIN_TCP_PORT) SET(MYSQL_ADMIN_TCP_PORT 33062) ENDIF(NOT MYSQL_ADMIN_TCP_PORT) IF(NOT MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR) SET(MYSQL_UNIX_ADDR "/tmp/mysql.sock") ENDIF() IF(NOT COMPILATION_COMMENT) SET(COMPILATION_COMMENT "Source distribution") ENDIF() IF(NOT COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER) SET(COMPILATION_COMMENT_SERVER ${COMPILATION_COMMENT}) ENDIF()