# Copyright (c) 2010, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. # # This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, # as published by the Free Software Foundation. # # This program is designed to work with certain software (including # but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, # as designated in a particular file or component or in included license # documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional # permission to link the program and your derivative works with the # separately licensed software that they have either included with # the program or referenced in the documentation. # # This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software # Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA # Produce meaningful package name for the binary package # The logic is rather involved with special cases for different OSes MACRO(GET_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME Var) IF(NOT VERSION) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Variable VERSION needs to be set prior to calling GET_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME") ENDIF() IF(NOT SYSTEM_NAME_AND_PROCESSOR) SET(NEED_DASH_BETWEEN_PLATFORM_AND_MACHINE 1) SET(DEFAULT_PLATFORM ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}) SET(DEFAULT_MACHINE ${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}) SET(64BIT 1) IF(WIN32) SET(NEED_DASH_BETWEEN_PLATFORM_AND_MACHINE 0) SET(DEFAULT_PLATFORM "win") SET(DEFAULT_MACHINE "x64") ELSEIF(SOLARIS) # SunOS 5.10=> solaris10 STRING(REPLACE "5." "" VER "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}") SET(DEFAULT_PLATFORM "solaris${VER}") SET(DEFAULT_MACHINE "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR}-64bit") ELSEIF(FREEBSD) STRING(REGEX MATCH "[0-9]+\\.[0-9]+" VER "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION}") SET(DEFAULT_PLATFORM "${CMAKE_SYSTEM_NAME}${VER}") IF(CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR MATCHES "amd64") SET(DEFAULT_MACHINE "x86_64") ENDIF() ELSEIF(APPLE) # CMAKE_SYSTEM_PROCESSOR seems to based on 'uname -r' # CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION cannot be trusted for version information: # CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 19.2.0 # sw_vers # ProductName: Mac OS X # ProductVersion: 10.15.2 # BuildVersion: 19C57 # CMAKE_SYSTEM_VERSION 20.2.0 # sw_vers # ProductName: macOS # ProductVersion: 11.1 # BuildVersion: 20C69 EXECUTE_PROCESS(COMMAND sw_vers OUTPUT_VARIABLE SW_VERS_OUTPUT OUTPUT_STRIP_TRAILING_WHITESPACE ) STRING(REPLACE "\n" ";" SW_VERS_OUTPUT_LIST "${SW_VERS_OUTPUT}") LIST(GET SW_VERS_OUTPUT_LIST 0 SW_VERS_PRODUCTNAME) LIST(GET SW_VERS_OUTPUT_LIST 1 SW_VERS_PRODUCTVERSION) STRING(REGEX MATCH "ProductVersion:[\n\t ]*([0-9]+)\\.([0-9]+)" UNUSED ${SW_VERS_PRODUCTVERSION}) IF(NOT DEFINED CMAKE_MATCH_1 OR NOT DEFINED CMAKE_MATCH_2) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not run sw_vers") ENDIF() SET(DEFAULT_PLATFORM "macos${CMAKE_MATCH_1}.${CMAKE_MATCH_2}") MESSAGE(STATUS "DEFAULT_PLATFORM ${DEFAULT_PLATFORM}") IF(APPLE_ARM) SET(DEFAULT_MACHINE "arm64") ELSE() SET(DEFAULT_MACHINE "x86_64") ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(NOT PLATFORM) SET(PLATFORM ${DEFAULT_PLATFORM}) ENDIF() IF(NOT MACHINE) SET(MACHINE ${DEFAULT_MACHINE}) ENDIF() IF(NEED_DASH_BETWEEN_PLATFORM_AND_MACHINE) SET(SYSTEM_NAME_AND_PROCESSOR "${PLATFORM}-${MACHINE}") ELSE() SET(SYSTEM_NAME_AND_PROCESSOR "${PLATFORM}${MACHINE}") ENDIF() ENDIF() IF(SHORT_PRODUCT_TAG) SET(PRODUCT_TAG "-${SHORT_PRODUCT_TAG}") ELSEIF(MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX) SET(PRODUCT_TAG "${MYSQL_SERVER_SUFFIX}") # Already has a leading dash ELSE() SET(PRODUCT_TAG) ENDIF() IF(WITH_NDB) SET(package_name "mysql${PRODUCT_TAG}-${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}-${SYSTEM_NAME_AND_PROCESSOR}") ELSE() SET(package_name "mysql${PRODUCT_TAG}-${VERSION}-${SYSTEM_NAME_AND_PROCESSOR}") ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS "Packaging as: ${package_name}") # Sometimes package suffix is added (something like "-icc-glibc23") IF(PACKAGE_SUFFIX) SET(package_name "${package_name}${PACKAGE_SUFFIX}") ENDIF() STRING(TOLOWER ${package_name} package_name) SET(${Var} ${package_name}) ENDMACRO() IF(NOT CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME) GET_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME(CPACK_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME) ENDIF() IF(NOT CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME) SET(CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "mysql-${VERSION}") IF(WITH_NDB) SET(CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME "mysql-cluster-gpl-${MYSQL_CLUSTER_VERSION}") MESSAGE(STATUS "MySQL Cluster package name: ${CPACK_SOURCE_PACKAGE_FILE_NAME}") ELSE() ENDIF() ENDIF() SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_CONTACT "MySQL Release Engineering ") SET(CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR "Oracle Corporation") SET(CPACK_SOURCE_GENERATOR "TGZ") INCLUDE(cpack_source_ignore_files) # Defintions for windows version resources SET(PRODUCTNAME "MySQL Server") SET(COMPANYNAME ${CPACK_PACKAGE_VENDOR}) STRING(TIMESTAMP MYSQL_COPYRIGHT_YEAR "%Y") # Add version information to the exe and dll files # Refer to http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/aa381058(VS.85).aspx # for more info. IF(MSVC) GET_FILENAME_COMPONENT(MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR ${CMAKE_CURRENT_LIST_FILE} PATH) IF(WITH_NDB) SET(VINFO_PRODUCT_NAME "MySQL NDB Cluster") ELSE() SET(VINFO_PRODUCT_NAME "MySQL Server") ENDIF() # Find the copyright line from the top README file FILE(STRINGS ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/README VINFO_COPYRIGHT_LINE ENCODING UTF-8 LIMIT_COUNT 1 REGEX "^Copyright") IF(NOT VINFO_COPYRIGHT_LINE) MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Can't read copyright line from top README") ENDIF() MESSAGE(STATUS "Windows EXE/DLL file info copyright line: ${VINFO_COPYRIGHT_LINE}") SET(FILETYPE VFT_APP) CONFIGURE_FILE(${MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR}/versioninfo.rc.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo_exe.rc) SET(FILETYPE VFT_DLL) CONFIGURE_FILE(${MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR}/versioninfo.rc.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo_dll.rc) SET(VINFO_PRODUCT_NAME "MySQL Router") SET(FILETYPE VFT_APP) CONFIGURE_FILE(${MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR}/versioninfo.rc.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/router_versioninfo_exe.rc) SET(FILETYPE VFT_DLL) CONFIGURE_FILE(${MYSQL_CMAKE_SCRIPT_DIR}/versioninfo.rc.in ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/router_versioninfo_dll.rc) SET(VERSION_INFO_RC_EXE_Router ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/router_versioninfo_exe.rc) SET(VERSION_INFO_RC_DLL_Router ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/router_versioninfo_dll.rc) # ADD_VERSION_INFO: add version info the executables/shared libraries on windows # # @param target targetname [ignored] # @param target_type type of the target: SHARED|MODULE|EXE # @param sources_var caller's variable name to append the rc-files to # @param component component name # FUNCTION(ADD_VERSION_INFO target target_type sources_var component) SET(exe_rc_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo_exe.rc) SET(dll_rc_file ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/versioninfo_dll.rc) # Override default when VERSION_INFO_RC_[EXE|DLL]_{$component} defined IF(component) IF(VERSION_INFO_RC_EXE_${component}) SET(exe_rc_file ${VERSION_INFO_RC_EXE_${component}}) ENDIF() IF(VERSION_INFO_RC_DLL_${component}) SET(dll_rc_file ${VERSION_INFO_RC_DLL_${component}}) ENDIF() ENDIF() IF("${target_type}" MATCHES "SHARED" OR "${target_type}" MATCHES "MODULE") SET(rcfile ${dll_rc_file}) ELSEIF("${target_type}" MATCHES "EXE") SET(rcfile ${exe_rc_file}) ENDIF() SET(${sources_var} ${${sources_var}} ${rcfile} PARENT_SCOPE) ENDFUNCTION() ELSE() FUNCTION(ADD_VERSION_INFO) ENDFUNCTION() ENDIF()