/* Copyright (c) 2019, 2024, Oracle and/or its affiliates. This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, as published by the Free Software Foundation. This program is designed to work with certain software (including but not limited to OpenSSL) that is licensed under separate terms, as designated in a particular file or component or in included license documentation. The authors of MySQL hereby grant you an additional permission to link the program and your derivative works with the separately licensed software that they have either included with the program or referenced in the documentation. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License, version 2.0, for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin St, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA */ #include "sql/auth/roles.h" #include "sql/auth/auth_common.h" #include "sql/auth/sql_auth_cache.h" #include "sql/auth/sql_authorization.h" #include "sql/auth/sql_security_ctx.h" #include "sql/sql_admin.h" /* role_enum */ #include "sql/sql_class.h" /* THD */ #include "sql/sql_error.h" /* Diagonstics_area */ #include "sql/sql_list.h" /* List */ #include "sql/sql_parse.h" /* get_current_user */ #include "sql/table.h" /* LEX_USER */ #include "m_string.h" /* native_strncasecmp */ extern Role_index_map *g_authid_to_vertex; namespace Roles { /** Constructor. @param [in] thd THD handle @param [in] sctx Security context handle @param [in] type Role activation type @param [in] role_list List of roles - depends on type @param [in] raise_error Flag to raise error */ Role_activation::Role_activation( THD *thd, Security_context *sctx, role_enum type, const List *role_list /* = nullptr */, bool raise_error /* = false */) : m_thd(thd), m_sctx(sctx != nullptr ? sctx : thd->security_context()), m_type(type), m_role_list(role_list), m_raise_error(raise_error) { if (!m_thd || (m_type == role_enum::ROLE_NAME && m_role_list == nullptr)) m_valid = false; else m_valid = true; } /** Activate roles for given session @returns status of role activation @retval false Success @retval true Failure. Error is raised. */ bool Role_activation::activate() { DBUG_TRACE; bool set_role_status = true; switch (m_type) { case role_enum::ROLE_DEFAULT: set_role_status = activate_role_default(); break; case role_enum::ROLE_ALL: set_role_status = activate_role_all(); break; case role_enum::ROLE_NAME: set_role_status = activate_role_name(); break; case role_enum::ROLE_NONE: [[fallthrough]]; default: set_role_status = activate_role_none(); } return set_role_status; } /** Deactivate all roles for current session @returns Operation status @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool Role_activation::activate_role_none() { DBUG_TRACE; m_sctx->clear_active_roles(); m_sctx->clear_db_restrictions(); m_sctx->checkout_access_maps(); Acl_cache_lock_guard acl_cache_lock(m_thd, Acl_cache_lock_mode::READ_MODE); if (!acl_cache_lock.lock(m_raise_error)) return true; ACL_USER *user = find_acl_user(m_sctx->priv_host().str, m_sctx->priv_user().str, true); if (user) { m_sctx->set_master_access(user->access, acl_restrictions->find_restrictions(user)); } acl_cache_lock.unlock(); /** No roles are active now, checking if user is granted access to current db directly */ const Access_bitmask new_db_access = acl_get(m_thd, m_sctx->host().str, m_sctx->ip().str, m_sctx->priv_user().str, m_thd->db().str, false); m_sctx->cache_current_db_access(new_db_access); return false; } /** Activate default roles for current session @returns Operation status @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool Role_activation::activate_role_default() { DBUG_TRACE; bool ret = false; Access_bitmask new_db_access; Acl_cache_lock_guard acl_cache_lock(m_thd, Acl_cache_lock_mode::READ_MODE); if (!acl_cache_lock.lock(m_raise_error)) return true; List_of_auth_id_refs *active_list = m_sctx->get_active_roles(); List_of_auth_id_refs authids; List_of_auth_id_refs backup_active_list; backup_active_list.reserve(active_list->size()); /* Shallow copy of LEX_CSTRING pairs. Memory not duplicated */ std::copy(active_list->begin(), active_list->end(), std::back_inserter(backup_active_list)); /* Clear active roles but don't free memory */ m_sctx->get_active_roles()->clear(); LEX_USER current_user; /* hack for the current_user token */ get_default_definer(m_thd, ¤t_user); Auth_id_ref current_user_authid = create_authid_from(¤t_user); /* Search global structure for target user; authids have their own memory storage (Role_id) */ get_default_roles(current_user_authid, authids); if (authids.size() > 0) { List_of_auth_id_refs::iterator it = authids.begin(); for (; it != authids.end() && ret == 0; ++it) { /* Activating a role allocates new memory for the activated role and perform a deep copy of the default role. */ ret = m_sctx->activate_role(it->first, it->second, true); if (ret && m_raise_error) { my_error(ER_ROLE_NOT_GRANTED, MYF(0), it->first.str, it->second.str, current_user_authid.first.str, current_user_authid.second.str); } } if (ret == 0) { m_sctx->checkout_access_maps(); new_db_access = m_sctx->db_acl(m_thd->db(), false); } else { /* Failing to activate all roles will rollback the statement and reset the previous roles. 1. Remove any newly activated roles and deallocate memory 2. Copy the backup elements to the active_list (shallow copy) */ m_sctx->clear_active_roles(); std::copy(backup_active_list.begin(), backup_active_list.end(), std::back_inserter(*active_list)); return true; } } else { m_sctx->checkout_access_maps(); acl_cache_lock.unlock(); new_db_access = acl_get(m_thd, m_sctx->host().str, m_sctx->ip().str, m_sctx->priv_user().str, m_thd->db().str, false); } m_sctx->cache_current_db_access(new_db_access); /* Old memory in the backup list must now be freed. */ for (auto &&role : backup_active_list) { my_free(const_cast(role.first.str)); my_free(const_cast(role.second.str)); } return false; } /** Activate all granted roles - except those specified through m_role_list @returns Operation status @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool Role_activation::activate_role_all() { DBUG_TRACE; Acl_cache_lock_guard acl_cache_lock(m_thd, Acl_cache_lock_mode::READ_MODE); if (!acl_cache_lock.lock(m_raise_error)) return true; List_of_auth_id_refs *active_list = m_sctx->get_active_roles(); List_of_auth_id_refs backup_active_list; backup_active_list.reserve(active_list->size()); std::copy(active_list->begin(), active_list->end(), std::back_inserter(backup_active_list)); m_sctx->get_active_roles()->clear(); m_sctx->clear_active_roles(); bool ret = false; LEX_USER *current_user = create_default_definer(m_thd); std::string authid = create_authid_str_from(current_user); Role_index_map::iterator it; List_of_granted_roles granted_roles; if ((it = g_authid_to_vertex->find(authid)) != g_authid_to_vertex->end()) { Role_vertex_descriptor user_vertex = it->second; get_granted_roles(user_vertex, &granted_roles); std::vector mandatory_roles; get_mandatory_roles(&mandatory_roles); for (auto &&rid : mandatory_roles) { granted_roles.push_back(std::make_pair(rid, false)); } List_of_granted_roles::iterator role_it = granted_roles.begin(); if (granted_roles.size()) { for (; role_it != granted_roles.end(); ++role_it) { bool found_except_role = false; if (m_role_list && m_role_list->elements > 0) { for (const LEX_USER &except_role : *m_role_list) { if ((except_role.user.length == role_it->first.user().length()) && (except_role.host.length == role_it->first.host().length()) && strncmp(except_role.user.str, role_it->first.user().c_str(), except_role.user.length) == 0 && native_strncasecmp(except_role.host.str, role_it->first.host().c_str(), except_role.host.length) == 0) { found_except_role = true; break; } } } if (!found_except_role) { ret = m_sctx->activate_role( {role_it->first.user().c_str(), role_it->first.user().length()}, {role_it->first.host().c_str(), role_it->first.host().length()}, true); if (ret != 0 && m_raise_error) { my_error(ER_ROLE_NOT_GRANTED, MYF(0), role_it->first.user().c_str(), role_it->first.host().c_str(), current_user->user.str, current_user->host.str); break; } } } if (ret == 0) { m_sctx->checkout_access_maps(); const Access_bitmask new_db_access = m_sctx->db_acl(m_thd->db(), false); m_sctx->cache_current_db_access(new_db_access); /* Drop backup */ for (auto &&ref : backup_active_list) { my_free(const_cast(ref.first.str)); my_free(const_cast(ref.second.str)); } } else { /* Failing to activate all roles will rollback the statement and reset the previous roles. 1. Remove any newly activated roles and deallocate memory 2. Copy the backup elements to the active_list (shallow copy) */ m_sctx->clear_active_roles(); std::copy(backup_active_list.begin(), backup_active_list.end(), std::back_inserter(*active_list)); return true; } } } return false; } /** Activate roles available through m_role_list @returns Operation status @retval false Success @retval true Error */ bool Role_activation::activate_role_name() { DBUG_TRACE; bool ret = false; Acl_cache_lock_guard acl_cache_lock(m_thd, Acl_cache_lock_mode::READ_MODE); if (!acl_cache_lock.lock(m_raise_error)) return true; List_of_auth_id_refs *active_list = m_sctx->get_active_roles(); List_of_auth_id_refs backup_active_list; backup_active_list.reserve(active_list->size()); std::copy(active_list->begin(), active_list->end(), std::back_inserter(backup_active_list)); m_sctx->get_active_roles()->clear(); List_iterator it(*(const_cast *>(m_role_list))); LEX_USER *role = nullptr; while (ret == 0 && (role = it++)) { ret = m_sctx->activate_role(role->user, role->host, true); } if (ret == 0) { m_sctx->checkout_access_maps(); const Access_bitmask new_db_access = m_sctx->db_acl(m_thd->db(), false); m_sctx->cache_current_db_access(new_db_access); /* Drop backup */ for (auto &&ref : backup_active_list) { my_free(const_cast(ref.first.str)); my_free(const_cast(ref.second.str)); } } else { if (role && m_raise_error) { my_error(ER_ROLE_NOT_GRANTED, MYF(0), role->user.str, role->host.str, m_sctx->priv_user().str, m_sctx->priv_host().str); } /* Failing to activate all roles will rollback the statement and reset the previous roles. 1. Remove any newly activated roles and deallocate memory 2. Copy the backup elements to the active_list (shallow copy) */ m_sctx->clear_active_roles(); std::copy(backup_active_list.begin(), backup_active_list.end(), std::back_inserter(*active_list)); return true; } return false; } } // namespace Roles