use std::{io, io::ErrorKind}; use bincode::{Decode, Encode}; use num_enum::TryFromPrimitive; use crate::Nucleotide::*; pub mod ligation; pub mod re_lib; pub mod restriction_enzyme; // Index 0: 5' end. pub type Seq = Vec; pub struct IndexError {} /// A DNA nucleotide. The u8 repr is for use with a compact binary format. /// This is the same nucleotide mapping as [.2bit format]( #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Eq, Hash, Debug, Encode, Decode, TryFromPrimitive)] #[repr(u8)] pub enum Nucleotide { T = 0b00, C = 0b01, A = 0b10, G = 0b11, } impl Nucleotide { /// For interop with FASTA, GenBank, and SnapGene formats. pub fn from_u8_letter(val_u8: u8) -> io::Result { match val_u8 { b'A' | b'a' => Ok(A), b'T' | b't' => Ok(T), b'G' | b'g' => Ok(G), b'C' | b'c' => Ok(C), _ => Err(io::Error::new(ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Invalid nucleotide")), } } /// For interop with FASTA, GenBank, and SnapGene formats. pub fn to_u8_letter(&self) -> u8 { match self { A => b'A', T => b'T', G => b'G', C => b'C', } } pub fn as_str(&self) -> &str { match self { A => "a", T => "t", C => "c", G => "g", } } pub fn complement(self) -> Self { match self { A => T, T => A, G => C, C => G, } } /// Molecular weight, in Daltons, in a DNA strand. /// [Weight source: NorthWestern]( pub fn weight(&self) -> f32 { match self { A => 313.21, T => 304.2, G => 329.21, C => 289.18, } } /// Optical density of a 1mL solution, in a cuvette with 1cm pathlength. /// Result is in nm. /// pub fn a_max(&self) -> f32 { match self { A => 259., T => 267., G => 253., C => 271., } } /// Optical density of a 1mL solution, in a cuvette with 1cm pathlength. /// Result is in 1/(Moles x cm) /// pub fn molar_density(&self) -> f32 { match self { A => 15_200., T => 8_400., G => 12_010., C => 7_050., } } } /// Reverse direction, and swap C for G, A for T. pub fn seq_complement(seq: &[Nucleotide]) -> Seq { let mut result = seq.to_vec(); result.reverse(); for nt in &mut result { *nt = nt.complement(); } result } pub fn seq_from_str(str: &str) -> Seq { let mut result = Vec::new(); for char in str.to_lowercase().chars() { match char { 'a' => result.push(A), 't' => result.push(T), 'c' => result.push(C), 'g' => result.push(G), _ => (), }; } result } /// Convert a nucleotide sequence to string. pub fn seq_to_str(seq: &[Nucleotide]) -> String { let mut result = String::new(); for nt in seq { result.push_str(nt.as_str()); } result } /// Convert a string to bytes associated with ASCII letters. For compatibility with external libraries. pub fn seq_to_letter_bytes(seq: &[Nucleotide]) -> Vec { seq.iter().map(|nt| nt.to_u8_letter()).collect() } /// Sequence weight, in Daltons. Assumes single-stranded. pub fn seq_weight(seq: &[Nucleotide]) -> f32 { let mut result = 0.; for nt in seq { result += nt.weight(); } result -= 61.96; result } /// Calculate portion of a sequence that is either the G or C nucleotide, on a scale of 0 to 1. pub fn calc_gc(seq: &[Nucleotide]) -> f32 { let num_gc = seq.iter().filter(|&&nt| nt == C || nt == G).count(); num_gc as f32 / seq.len() as f32 } /// A compact binary serialization of our sequence. Useful for file storage. /// The first four bytes is sequence length, big endian; we need this, since one of our nucleotides necessarily serializes /// to 0b00. /// /// MSB. Nucleotides are right-to-left in a given byte. Example: A byte containing /// nucleotides TCAG is `0b1110_0100`. pub fn serialize_seq_bin(seq: &[Nucleotide]) -> Vec { let mut result = Vec::new(); result.extend(&(seq.len() as u32).to_be_bytes()); for i in 0..seq.len() / 4 + 1 { let mut val = 0; for j in 0..4 { let ind = i * 4 + j; if ind + 1 > seq.len() { break; } let nt = seq[ind]; val |= (nt as u8) << (j * 2); } result.push(val); } result } /// A compact binary deserialization of our sequence. Useful for file storage. /// The first four bytes is sequence length, big endian; we need this, since one of our nucleotides necessarily serializes /// to 0b00. /// todo: Is this MSB or LSB? pub fn deser_seq_bin(data: &[u8]) -> io::Result { let mut result = Vec::new(); if data.len() < 4 { return Err(io::Error::new( ErrorKind::InvalidData, "Bin nucleotide sequence is too short.", )); } let seq_len = u32::from_be_bytes(data[0..4].try_into().unwrap()) as usize; for byte in &data[4..] { for i in 0..4 { // This trimming removes extra 00-serialized nucleotides. if result.len() >= seq_len { break; } let bits = (byte >> (2 * i)) & 0b11; result.push(Nucleotide::try_from(bits).map_err(|_| { io::Error::new( ErrorKind::InvalidData, format!("Invalid NT serialization: {}, {}", byte, bits), ) })?); } } Ok(result) } #[derive(Clone, Copy, PartialEq, Encode, Decode)] pub enum SeqTopology { Linear, Circular, } impl Default for SeqTopology { fn default() -> Self { Self::Circular } } /// Insert a segment of one sequence into another. For example, for cloning. /// Note that `insert_loc` uses 1-based indexing. pub fn insert_into_seq( seq_vector: &mut Seq, insert: &[Nucleotide], insert_loc: usize, ) -> Result<(), IndexError> { if insert_loc == 0 || insert_loc > seq_vector.len() { eprintln!("Error: Insert location out of bounds: {insert_loc}"); return Err(IndexError {}); } let insert_i = insert_loc - 1; // 1-based indexing. seq_vector.splice(insert_i..insert_i, insert.iter().cloned()); Ok(()) }