use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use ethers::prelude::{Block, H256, Middleware, Provider, StreamExt, Ws}; use ethers::utils::hex::encode; use eyre::Result; use protobuf::well_known_types::timestamp::Timestamp; use nakji_connector::connector::Connector; use nakji_connector::kafka_utils::{Message, MessageType, topic, Topic}; use nakji_connector::kafka_utils::key::Key; use crate::chain::Block as ProtoBlock; use crate::chain::chain::Transaction as ProtoTransaction; mod chain; // change it to your own rpc url const WSS_URL: &str = "your rpc url"; #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> Result<()> { let block = ProtoBlock::new(); let transaction = ProtoTransaction::new(); let mut connector = Connector::new(); let event_name = topic::get_event_name(Box::new(block.clone())); let topic = Topic::new( connector.config.kafka_env.clone(), MessageType::FCT,,, connector.manifest.version.clone(), event_name, ); let key = Key::new("ethereum".to_string(), "Block".to_string()); // register protobuf schema connector.register_protos(MessageType::FCT, vec![Box::new(block.clone()), Box::new(transaction.clone())]).await; // A ws provider can be created from a ws(s) URI. // In case of wss you must add the "rustls" or "openssl" feature // to the ethers library dependency in `Cargo.toml`. let provider = Provider::::connect(WSS_URL).await?; let mut stream = provider.subscribe_blocks().await?; while let Some(block) = { println!("block hash: {:?}", block.hash.unwrap()); let b = build_block(&block); let m = Message::new(topic.clone(), key.clone(), b.clone()); let messages = vec![m]; connector.producer.produce_transactional_messages(messages).await.expect("failed to produce messages"); } Ok(()) } fn build_block(block: &Block) -> ProtoBlock { let unix_time = u64::try_from(block.timestamp).unwrap(); let time = SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH + Duration::from_secs(unix_time); let timestamp = Timestamp::from(time); let proto_ts = protobuf::MessageField::some(timestamp); let hash = encode(block.hash.unwrap().as_bytes()); let nonce = block.nonce.unwrap().to_low_u64_be(); ProtoBlock { ts: proto_ts, Hash: hash, Difficulty: block.difficulty.as_u64(), Number: block.number.unwrap().as_u64(), GasLimit: block.gas_limit.as_u64(), GasUsed: block.gas_used.as_u64(), Nonce: nonce, // ignore this field special_fields: Default::default(), } }