:title: nala-clean NAME ==== nala-clean - Clear out the local archive of downloaded package files SYNOPSIS ======== **nala clean** [*--options*] DESCRIPTION =========== **nala clean** will remove the archives of package files that have been previously downloaded. These files are typically found in */var/cache/apt/archives*. *pkgcache.bin* and *srcpkgcache.bin* will also be removed. OPTIONS ======= **--lists** Additionally clean out the package lists normally found in */var/lib/apt/lists* These are the lists that are updated with **nala update** **--fetch** This will remove the *nala-sources.list* file created from **nala fetch** **--debug** Print helpful information for solving issues. If you're submitting a bug report try running the command again with *--debug* and providing the output to the devs, it may be helpful. **-v**, **--verbose** Disable scrolling text and print extra information **-h**, **--help** Shows this man page. COPYRIGHT ========= Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Blake Lee