:title: nala-fetch NAME ==== nala-fetch - Fetch fast mirrors to improve download speed SYNOPSIS ======== **nala fetch** [*--options*] DESCRIPTION =========== **nala** will fetch fast mirrors to improve download speed. **nala** parses the following files to find mirrors: For Debian https://mirror-master.debian.org/status/Mirrors.masterlist For Ubuntu https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+archivemirrors-rss For Devuan https://pkgmaster.devuan.org/mirror_list.txt The resulting file of mirrors will be located at */etc/apt/sources.list.d/nala-sources.list* When selecting mirrors in the interactive display, you can pass a comma or space separated list. Examples: Specific List: *1,2,3,4* Selects mirrors 1, 2, 3 and 4 Comma and spaces may be mixed in the input. **nala** will parse it all the same. *1,3 , 4 5* will select mirrors 1, 3, 4 and 5 Range: *1..5* will select mirrors 1 through 5 Even Range: *0..1..5* selects 2 and 4 Odd Range: *1..1..5* selects 1, 3 and 5 OPTIONS ======= **--debian** Instead of auto detecting the distro and release, you can use this switch to specify a Debian release. **nala fetch** *--debian sid* **--ubuntu** Much like *--debian* but for Ubuntu **nala fetch** *--ubuntu jammy* **--devuan** Much like *--debian* but for Devuan **nala fetch** *--devuan unstable* **--https-only** **fetch** will only provide https mirrors. **--auto** Run **fetch** uninteractively. Will still prompt for overwriting the sources file if it exists. **--fetches** This controls the number of mirrors to fetch. With *--auto* this will default to 3 mirrors, and write as many mirrors as you specify to the file. In the interactive version of **fetch**, this will default to 16 mirrors. Instead of controlling the amount of mirrors that will be written, it controls the amount of mirrors you are shown to select from. **--sources** Add the source repos for the mirror, if it exists. By default **nala** will not include the source repos. **--non-free** Add contrib and non-free components of the Debian mirrors. This switch does nothing on Ubuntu systems. **--debug** Print helpful information for solving issues. If you're submitting a bug report try running the command again with *--debug* and providing the output to the devs, it may be helpful. **-c**, **--country** Specify your country to limit the mirror search using the 2 letter ISO country code. This option can be specified multiple times to increase the pool. Example: **nala fetch** *-c US -c CA* **-v**, **--verbose** Disable scrolling text and print extra information **-h**, **--help** Shows this man page. COPYRIGHT ========= Copyright (C) 2021, 2022 Blake Lee