use std::io::Write; use nalgebra::allocator::Allocator; use nalgebra::*; use nalgebra_mvn::MultivariateNormal; macro_rules! mat_to_vec_string { ($name: expr, $arr: expr) => {{ let mut result: Vec = vec![]; result.push(format!("{} = np.array([", $name)); for i in 0..$arr.nrows() { let mut line = vec![]; for j in 0..$arr.ncols() { line.push(format!("{}", $arr[(i, j)])); } let l2 = line.join(", "); result.push(format!(" [{}],", l2)); } result.push(format!("], dtype=np.float64)")); result }}; } fn pythonize_expectations( xs: &nalgebra::OMatrix, mu: &nalgebra::OVector, covariance: &nalgebra::OMatrix, result: &nalgebra::OVector, ) -> Vec where Real: RealField, S: Dim + nalgebra::DimMin, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, DefaultAllocator: Allocator<>::Output>, Count: Dim, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, DefaultAllocator: Allocator, { let xs_lines = mat_to_vec_string!("xs", xs); let mu_lines = mat_to_vec_string!("mu", mu); let covar_lines = mat_to_vec_string!("covariance", covariance); let result_lines = mat_to_vec_string!("result", result); let x = vec![xs_lines, mu_lines, covar_lines, result_lines]; x.into_iter().flatten().collect() } #[test] fn test_vs_scipy_stats() { // specify mean and covariance of our multi-variate normal let mu = Vector3::from_row_slice(&[9.0, 1.0, 21.0]); let covariance = Matrix3::from_row_slice(&[10.5, 4.0, 2.2, 4.0, 10.4, 3.0, 2.2, 3.0, 5.0]); // calculate precision from covariance. let precision = linalg::Cholesky::new(covariance) .expect("inverting covariance failed") .inverse(); let mvn = MultivariateNormal::from_mean_and_precision(&mu, &precision); // input samples are row vectors vertically stacked let xs = OMatrix::<_, U5, U3>::new( 8.9, 1.0, 21.0, 9.0, 1.0, 21.0, 9.1, 1.0, 21.0, 10.1, 2.2, 21.2, -1.1, -2.2, 22.2, ); // evaluate the density at each of our samples. let result = mvn.pdf(&xs); // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // write Python file with these results // -------------------------------------------------------------------- let lines = pythonize_expectations(&xs, &mu, &covariance, &result); // write expectations to disk let start_comments = format!("# This file was auto-generated by {}", file!()); let lines = lines.join("\n"); let buf = format!( "{} from scipy.stats import multivariate_normal import numpy as np {} result_py = multivariate_normal.pdf(xs, mean=mu[:,0], cov=covariance) # print(result_py) np.testing.assert_allclose(result[:,0], result_py) print('all results close') ", start_comments, lines ); let py_fname = ""; { let mut fd = std::fs::File::create(&py_fname).unwrap(); fd.write_all(buf.as_bytes()).unwrap(); fd.write_all(b"\n").unwrap(); fd.sync_all().unwrap(); } // -------------------------------------------------------------------- // run Python file to check results // -------------------------------------------------------------------- let status = std::process::Command::new("python3") .arg(py_fname) .status() .expect("Failed to execute command"); if !status.success() { panic!("calling python script at \"{}\" failed", py_fname); } }