use image::RgbaImage; use nanachi::{ compositor, context::{Context, FillStyle}, fill_color, fill_rule, path_builder::PathBuilder, pixel::Rgba, }; fn main() { let (width, height) = (512, 512); // Make a Context let mut context = Context::from_pixel(width, height, Rgba([1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0])).high_quality(); // Make a Path let mut builder = PathBuilder::new(); builder.move_to(100.0, 300.0); builder.line_to(200.0, 300.0); builder.line_to(200.0, 400.0); builder.line_to(100.0, 400.0); // builder.close(); builder.move_to(100.0, 100.0); builder.line_to(200.0, 100.0); builder.line_to(200.0, 200.0); builder.line_to(100.0, 200.0); // builder.close(); let path = builder.end(); // Make a FillStyle for filling let fill_style = FillStyle::new( fill_color::Solid::new(Rgba([1.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.7])), compositor::SrcOver, fill_rule::NonZero, ); // Fill the path context.fill(&path, &fill_style); // Make a FillStyle for stroking let fill_style = FillStyle::new( fill_color::Solid::new(Rgba([0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0])), compositor::SrcOver, fill_rule::NonZero, ); // Stroke the path context.stroke(&path, &fill_style, 8.0); // Save the image let img: RgbaImage = (&context.image).into();"./basic.png").unwrap(); }