## Buffers
NAN's `node::Buffer` helpers exist as the API has changed across supported Node versions. Use these methods to ensure compatibility.
- Nan::NewBuffer()
- Nan::CopyBuffer()
### Nan::NewBuffer()
Allocate a new `node::Buffer` object with the specified size and optional data. Calls `node::Buffer::New()`.
Note that when creating a `Buffer` using `Nan::NewBuffer()` and an existing `char*`, it is assumed that the ownership of the pointer is being transferred to the new `Buffer` for management.
When a `node::Buffer` instance is garbage collected and a `FreeCallback` has not been specified, `data` will be disposed of via a call to `free()`.
You _must not_ free the memory space manually once you have created a `Buffer` in this way.
Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::NewBuffer(uint32_t size)
Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::NewBuffer(char* data, uint32_t size)
// uses `node::smalloc::FreeCallback` on older versions of Node
Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::NewBuffer(char *data,
size_t length,
node::Buffer::FreeCallback callback,
void *hint)
### Nan::CopyBuffer()
Similar to [`Nan::NewBuffer()`](#api_nan_new_buffer) except that an implicit memcpy will occur within Node. Calls `node::Buffer::Copy()`.
Management of the `char*` is left to the user, you should manually free the memory space if necessary as the new `Buffer` will have its own copy.
Nan::MaybeLocal Nan::CopyBuffer(const char *data, uint32_t size)