//! A server and client implementation for a "backdoor" protocol that allows clients to run arbitrary commands on the server. use std::{net::SocketAddr, sync::Arc}; use argh::FromArgs; mod protocol; use nanorpc::{JrpcRequest, RpcService}; use protocol::*; use warp::Filter; /// Runs a server or client for the JSONRPC-over-HTTP-based backdoor protocol #[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)] struct Args { #[argh(subcommand)] nested: Subcommands, } #[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)] #[argh(subcommand)] enum Subcommands { Server(ServerArgs), Client(ClientArgs), } #[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)] /// Run a server. #[argh(subcommand, name = "server")] struct ServerArgs { /// where to listen for HTTP requests #[argh(option, default = "\"\".parse().unwrap()")] listen: SocketAddr, } #[derive(FromArgs, PartialEq, Debug)] /// Run a client. #[argh(subcommand, name = "client")] struct ClientArgs { /// where to connect to #[argh(option, default = "\"\".parse().unwrap()")] connect: SocketAddr, /// what to send #[argh(positional)] commands: Vec, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() { let args: Args = argh::from_env(); match args.nested { Subcommands::Server(server) => { let service = Arc::new(BackdoorService(BackdoorImpl)); let endpoint = warp::path("backdoor").and(warp::body::json()).and_then( move |item: JrpcRequest| { let service = service.clone(); async move { Ok::<_, warp::Rejection>( serde_json::to_string(&service.respond_raw(item).await).unwrap(), ) } }, ); warp::serve(endpoint).run(server.listen).await; } Subcommands::Client(cargs) => { let client = BackdoorClient(HttpTransport::new(format!( "http://{}/backdoor", cargs.connect ))); let (scode, result) = client.system(cargs.commands.join(" ")).await.unwrap(); eprintln!("status code: {}", scode); println!("{}", result); std::process::exit(scode) } } }