use std::time::{Duration, SystemTime}; use nari::models::{ event::{Event, EventBuilder, EventListener}, Database, EventId, User, UserId, }; use tokio::sync::mpsc; #[tokio::main] async fn main() { // Create a new database, with it we also create recursively the necessary folders. let db = Database::new("db/").unwrap(); // We can initialize users manually let alice = User::new(UserId(1), "Alice"); db.add_user(alice.clone()); // Or create them from the database let bob = db.create_user(UserId(2), "Bob"); // Same with events, using the builders is recommended // We provide an u64 unix timestamp let in_two_seconds = SystemTime::now() .duration_since(SystemTime::UNIX_EPOCH) .unwrap() .checked_add(Duration::from_secs(2)) .unwrap() .as_secs(); db.build_event(EventId(1), "Alice's Birthday", in_two_seconds) .users([]) .build() .save_to_db(&db); let ev = EventBuilder::new(EventId(2), "Monthly club meeting", in_two_seconds + 2) .description("Montly updates of the activites related to the club") .build(); db.add_event_to_users(ev, [alice, bob]); // We use channels to listen to any incomming event let (event_transmiter, mut event_listener) = mpsc::channel(16); let listener = EventListener::new(event_transmiter, 500); tokio::spawn(listener.start()); // Since an `Event` can be represented in multiple equally valid and meaningful ways, it does not implement a Display // We need to use the newtype pattern or delegate the formatting to a function while let Some(event) = event_listener.recv().await { println!("Event received: {}", my_event_format(&event)); } } fn my_event_format(event: &Event) -> String { format!("{} ({}) just started.",, event.description) }