secret: [2, 0, 2, 3] # The secret for signing tokens, It must be the same as the gateway token secret, it is as byte array tokens: # list of tokens - !Client # client token uid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # client uid, please use a unique uid for each user name: client_name_1 # client name, please use a unique name for each client exp: 1710227806 # expiration time in seconds since epoch - !Client # client token uid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # client uid, please use a unique uid for each user name: client_name_2 # client name, please use a unique name for each client exp: 1710227806 # expiration time in seconds since epoch policies: [1025] # list of policy ids, it must be the same as the policy id in the client policy token and between 1025 and 65535, all the policies must be satisfied - !ClientPolicy # client policy token uid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # client uid, please use a unique uid for each user name: client_name_1 # client name, please use a unique name for each client exp: 1710227806 # expiration time in seconds since epoch pid: 1025 # policy id, it must be the same as the policy id in the client token and between 1025 and 65535 policy: # policies for this client type: !WhiteList # !WhiteList or !BlackList policies: # list of policies - !Ip # policy based on the destination ip address - !Any # !Any means any agent, !Agent agent_name means the agent with the name agent_name - # destination ip address - 22 # destination port - TCP # protocol - !Domain # policy based on the destination domain name - !Agent agent_name # !Any means any agent, !Agent agent_name means the agent with the name agent_name - # destination domain name - 443 # destination port - TCP # protocol - !Agent # agent token uid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # agent uid, please use a unique uid for each user name: agent_name_3 # agent name, please use a unique name for each agent exp: 1710227806 # expiration time in seconds since epoch - !AgentPublish # agent publish token to publish web services uid: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000 # agent uid, please use a unique uid for each user name: agent_name_3 # agent name, it must be the same name as the agent name in the agent token exp: 1710227806 # expiration time in seconds since epoch publish_hosts: # list of the services that this agent will publish - host: # domain name port: 0 # gateway's service port, 0 means any port connect: # the address that the agent will connect to publish the service host: # ip address or domain name port: 80 # port protocol: HTTP # protocol - host: # domain name port: 0 # gateway's service port, 0 means any port connect: # the address that the agent will connect to publish the service host: # ip address or domain name port: 443 # port protocol: TCP # protocol, TCP means it acts as a SNI proxy