//top.v //Top level entity, linking cpu with data and instruction memory module top(led, tx, rx); output[7:0] led; output tx; input rx; //input clk; wire clk48; reg ENCLKHF = 1'b1; //clock enable reg CLKHF_POWERUP = 1'b1; //power up the HFOSC circuit SB_HFOSC #(.CLKHF_DIV("0b00")) OSCInst0 ( .CLKHFEN(ENCLKHF), .CLKHFPU(CLKHF_POWERUP), .CLKHF(clk48) ); reg clk24 = 0; reg clk12 = 0; always @(posedge clk48) begin clk24 <= ~clk24; end always @(posedge clk24) begin clk12 <= ~clk12; end main m ( .clk12(clk12), .led(led), .tx(tx), .rx(rx), ); endmodule