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SDA for output\n ena = 1; //-- Start the clock\n trig = 1;\n end\n \n endcase\n \nend", "params": [], "ports": { "in": [ { "name": "clk" }, { "name": "button" } ], "out": [ { "name": "ena" }, { "name": "oe" }, { "name": "trig" } ] } }, "position": { "x": -160, "y": -216 }, "size": { "width": 368, "height": 288 } }, { "id": "20d3b39a-a9b6-4a6a-8396-856abddcb69e", "type": "basic.input", "data": { "name": "SDA", "pins": [ { "index": "0", "name": "DD4", "value": "88" } ], "virtual": false, "clock": false }, "position": { "x": 1176, "y": -184 } }, { "id": "63c8c19a-efe0-480d-a466-610b65c1c02d", "type": "9b4eccd4c51ae63a95843afa85f05aefb8d71a44", "position": { "x": 1368, "y": -120 }, "size": { "width": 96, "height": 96 } }, { "id": "0002b440-f081-44a9-b2b4-804ae603c9d5", "type": "basic.output", "data": { "name": "led", "pins": [ { "index": "0", "name": "D12", "value": "143" } ], "virtual": false }, "position": { "x": 1512, "y": -104 } }, { "id": "6c283eb0-fa75-484c-9dc3-8e7fad8e3c0e", "type": "a627f5aacef2457b46054b0e895bd70d62c19a0c", "position": { "x": -320, "y": -32 }, "size": { "width": 96, "height": 64 } }, { "id": "59f21369-6fad-428d-9a8e-c1d536c154ad", "type": "basic.input", "data": { "name": "Boton", "pins": [ { "index": "0", "name": "SW1", "value": "10" } ], "virtual": false, "clock": false }, "position": { "x": -480, "y": -16 } }, { "id": "f3dd4e30-d0b8-4587-967c-9e72fa8b8c33", "type": "basic.output", "data": { "name": "trig", "pins": [ { "index": "0", "name": "D11", "value": "142" } ], "virtual": false }, "position": { "x": 256, "y": -8 } }, { "id": "99d51906-ebef-4819-83d5-65f0f82b5a31", "type": "basic.output", "data": { "name": "SCL", "pins": [ { "index": "0", "name": "DD5", "value": "87" } ], "virtual": false }, "position": { "x": 1464, "y": 24 } }, { "id": "b783ae56-dc89-4640-8df7-808d48c9a41d", "type": "basic.code", "data": { "code": "\n//-- Initial value of the register\n//-- I2C frame: start (1bit) + addr (7bits) \n\n\n// 5. READ COMPAS\n//READ Compas - R0 -> returns 0x09\n// ss WWAA AAxxxxSS RRAATTTTTTTTTTTTTT NACK \n// ..A6A5A4A3A2A1A0 R7R6R5R4R3R2R1R0 A6A5A4A3A2A1A0 I7I6I5I4I3I2I1I0 SS\nreg [97:0] data = 98'b00111100000000000011000000000000000011001100111100000000001111111111111111110000000000000000111001;\nreg [97:0] data2 = 98'b10010101010101010101010101010101010101010110010101010101010101000000000000000101010101010101010011;\n\n\n\n//-- Shift register\nalways @(posedge clk)\n data <= {data[96:0], 1'b1};\n \n//-- Shift register\nalways @(posedge clk)\n data2 <= {data2[96:0], 1'b1};\n \n//-- Send the MSB \nassign ser = data[97];\nassign ser2 = data2[97];\n\n\n\n", "params": [], "ports": { "in": [ { "name": "clk" } ], "out": [ { "name": "ser" }, { "name": "ser2" } ] } }, "position": { "x": 536, "y": 96 }, "size": { "width": 672, "height": 848 } }, { "id": "4fd32321-063f-4246-bdee-a7ee762aa55c", "type": "basic.output", "data": { "name": "trigg2", "pins": [ { "index": "0", "name": "D10", "value": "141" } ], "virtual": false }, "position": { "x": -224, "y": 224 } } ], "wires": [ { "source": { "block": "63c8c19a-efe0-480d-a466-610b65c1c02d", "port": "0b2a85b3-b6ac-4e8a-8b16-dd5a195fb058" }, "target": { "block": "0002b440-f081-44a9-b2b4-804ae603c9d5", "port": "in" } }, { "source": { "block": "6c283eb0-fa75-484c-9dc3-8e7fad8e3c0e", "port": "ffff8058-ea9e-432f-b958-332890cf0e48" }, "target": { "block": "245dbd89-9788-4155-9844-4da7ce3d2d37", "port": "button" } }, { "source": { "block": "59f21369-6fad-428d-9a8e-c1d536c154ad", "port": "out" }, "target": { "block": "6c283eb0-fa75-484c-9dc3-8e7fad8e3c0e", "port": "c1e09958-aeb1-4453-af92-da0679a91f1d" } }, { "source": { "block": "245dbd89-9788-4155-9844-4da7ce3d2d37", "port": "oe" }, "target": { "block": "63c8c19a-efe0-480d-a466-610b65c1c02d", "port": "f96a1baf-fc8b-4c25-b132-12552605743f" } }, { "source": { "block": "20d3b39a-a9b6-4a6a-8396-856abddcb69e", "port": "out" }, "target": { "block": "63c8c19a-efe0-480d-a466-610b65c1c02d", "port": "076fd025-aa42-4f23-ae97-b65aec2298ce" }, "vertices": [] }, { "source": { "block": "b783ae56-dc89-4640-8df7-808d48c9a41d", "port": "ser" }, "target": { "block": "63c8c19a-efe0-480d-a466-610b65c1c02d", "port": "04fdb7a7-2740-4ff1-ad26-56407ef5b958" }, "vertices": [ { "x": 1256, "y": 80 } ] }, { "source": { "block": "59f21369-6fad-428d-9a8e-c1d536c154ad", "port": "out" }, "target": { "block": "4fd32321-063f-4246-bdee-a7ee762aa55c", "port": "in" }, "vertices": [ { "x": -344, "y": 112 } ] }, { "source": { "block": "245dbd89-9788-4155-9844-4da7ce3d2d37", "port": "trig" }, "target": { "block": "f3dd4e30-d0b8-4587-967c-9e72fa8b8c33", "port": "in" } }, { "source": { "block": "b783ae56-dc89-4640-8df7-808d48c9a41d", "port": "ser2" }, "target": { "block": "99d51906-ebef-4819-83d5-65f0f82b5a31", "port": "in" } }, { "source": { "block": "245dbd89-9788-4155-9844-4da7ce3d2d37", "port": "ena" }, "target": { "block": "b52a13bf-4128-4215-b03d-144252e23fee", "port": "e504d78a-6567-49ef-a8fb-e985194f8be0" } }, { "source": { "block": "b52a13bf-4128-4215-b03d-144252e23fee", "port": "4c05e794-1235-4f95-964b-8cc2b2f3e784" }, "target": { "block": "b783ae56-dc89-4640-8df7-808d48c9a41d", "port": "clk" } }, { "source": { "block": "b52a13bf-4128-4215-b03d-144252e23fee", "port": "aa8d5867-4cc8-4528-bd1d-1a9db8c5f61f" }, "target": { "block": "4130b88b-ef37-4983-9b58-c8228676da65", "port": "in" } } ] }, "state": { "pan": { "x": -178.8566, "y": -90.323 }, "zoom": 0.8785 } }, "dependencies": { "faccf20a16b576e0ba31a48f4c485c57ac98a97e": { "package": { "name": "", "version": "", "description": "", "author": "", "image": "" }, "design": { "graph": { "blocks": [ { "id": "2b2e5d93-e6b6-469e-b347-769b365ca08a", "type": "basic.code", "data": { "code": "//-- Divide the frequency by 30 (12Mhz / 30 = 400Khz)\nlocalparam M = 30;\n\n//-- Calculate the number of bits for the divider\nlocalparam N = $clog2(M);\n\n//-- Registro for the implementation of the Module M counter\nreg [N-1:0] divcounter = 0;\n\n//-- Module M counter\nalways @(posedge clk)\n if (ena)\n divcounter <= (divcounter == M - 1) ? 0 : divcounter + 1;\n else\n divcounter <= 1'b0;\n\n//-- Comparator. 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