use nats_aflowt::{AsyncCall, BoxFuture}; use quicli::prelude::*; use structopt::{clap::ArgGroup, StructOpt}; struct PrintCallback { msg: String, } impl PrintCallback { fn new(msg: &str) -> Self { Self { msg: msg.to_string(), } } } impl AsyncCall for PrintCallback { fn call(&self) -> BoxFuture<()> { let msg = self.msg.clone(); Box::pin(async move { println!("{}", msg); }) } } /// NATS utility that can perform basic publish, subscribe, request and reply /// functions. #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(group = ArgGroup::with_name("auth").required(false))] struct Cli { /// NATS server #[structopt(long, short, default_value = "")] server: nats_aflowt::ServerAddress, /// User Credentials File #[structopt(long = "creds", group = "auth")] creds: Option, /// Server authorization token #[structopt(long = "auth-token", group = "auth")] auth_token: Option, /// Command: pub, sub, request, reply #[structopt(subcommand)] cmd: Command, } #[derive(StructOpt, Debug, Clone)] enum Command { /// The type of operation, can be one of pub, sub, qsub, req, reply. #[structopt(name = "pub", about = "Publishes a message to a given subject")] Pub { subject: String, msg: String }, #[structopt(name = "sub", about = "Subscribes to a given subject")] Sub { subject: String }, #[structopt(name = "request", about = "Sends a request and waits on reply")] Request { subject: String, msg: String }, #[structopt(name = "reply", about = "Listens for requests and sends the reply")] Reply { subject: String, resp: String }, } #[tokio::main] async fn main() -> CliResult { let args = Cli::from_args(); let opts = if let Some(creds_path) = args.creds { nats_aflowt::Options::with_credentials(creds_path) } else if let Some(token) = args.auth_token { nats_aflowt::Options::with_token(&token) } else { nats_aflowt::Options::new() }; let nc = opts .with_name("nats-box rust example") .disconnect_callback(PrintCallback::new("Disconnected")) .reconnect_callback(PrintCallback::new("Reconnected")) .connect(args.server) .await?; match args.cmd { Command::Pub { subject, msg } => { nc.publish(&subject, &msg).await?; println!("Published to '{}': '{}'", subject, msg); } Command::Sub { subject } => { let sub = nc.subscribe(&subject).await?; println!("Listening on '{}'", subject); while let Some(msg) = { println!("Received a {:?}", msg); } } Command::Request { subject, msg } => { println!("Waiting on response for '{}'", subject); let resp = nc.request(&subject, &msg).await?; println!("Response is {:?}", resp); } Command::Reply { subject, resp } => { let sub = nc.queue_subscribe(&subject, "rust-box").await?; println!("Listening for requests on '{}'", subject); while let Some(msg) = { println!("Received a request {:?}", msg); msg.respond(&resp).await?; } } } Ok(()) }