# sic image cli [![ci](https://github.com/foresterre/sic/workflows/github_actions_ci/badge.svg)](https://github.com/foresterre/sic/actions?query=workflow%3Agithub_actions_ci) [![Crates.io version shield](https://img.shields.io/crates/v/sic.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/sic) [![Docs](https://docs.rs/sic/badge.svg)](https://docs.rs/sic) [![Crates.io license shield](https://img.shields.io/crates/l/sic.svg)](https://crates.io/crates/sic) _Convert images and perform image operations from the command-line._ `sic` (sic image cli) is a front-end for the [image crate](https://github.com/image-rs/image). Aside from image operations supplied by the image crate, a few additional helpful operations such as diff, are included. Operations provided by the [imageproc](https://github.com/image-rs/imageproc) crate can be enabled by compiling with the `imageproc-ops` feature. We intend to provide more extensive support for imageproc operations in a future release. ### Installation Install with [cargo](https://crates.io/crates/sic): `cargo install sic`
Update with [cargo](https://crates.io/crates/sic): `cargo install --force sic` Pre build binary: see [releases](https://github.com/foresterre/sic/releases). From the source: - Setup rust and cargo (for example using [rustup](https://rustup.rs/))
- Clone this repo: `git clone https://github.com/foresterre/sic.git` - Switch to this repo: `cd sic` - Build a release: `cargo build --release` 🍺 Homebrew on MacOS: ```shell brew tap tgotwig/sic brew install tgotwig/sic/sic ``` 🍺 Homebrew on Linux: ```shell brew tap tgotwig/linux-sic brew install tgotwig/linux-sic/sic ``` **MSRV when building from source:** Expects development against the latest Rust stable version, but may work on older versions. ### Usage ##### Convert images Convert an image from one format to another, for example from PNG to JPG. * Command: `sic --input --output ` * Shorthand: `sic -i -o ` * Example: `sic -i input.png -o output.jpg`
If you want to explicitly set the image output format, you may do so by providing the `--output-format ` argument. Otherwise, sic will attempt to infer the format from the output file extension. `--help` can be used to view a complete list of supported image output formats. Included are: `bmp`, `farbfeld`, `gif`, `ico`, `jpg` (`jpeg`), `png`, `pam`, `pbm`, `pgm` and `ppm`. The JPEG quality can optionally be set with `--jpeg-encoding-quality `. The value should be in the range 1-100 (with default 80). The PNM format (specifically PBM, PGM and PPM) use binary encoding (PNM P4, P5 and P6 respectively) by default. To use ascii encoding, provide the following flag: `--pnm-encoding-ascii`. ##### Convert or apply operations on a set of images For the use case where you have a directory containing several (hundreds of) images which you like to convert to different format, or on which you perhaps want to apply certain image operations, `sic` provides built-in glob pattern matching. This mode can be used by providing the `--glob-input` and `--glob-output` options instead of `--input` and `--output` respectively. Examples: * To convert a directory of images from PNG to JPG, you can run sic with the following arguments:
* `sic --glob-input "*.png" --glob-output output_dir --output-format jpg"` * To convert all images with the `jpg`, `jpeg` and `png` extensions to BMP: * `sic --glob-input "*.{jpg, jpeg, png}" --glob-output output_dir --output-format bmp` * To emboss all images in a folder (assuming it contains only supported image files and no folders): * `sic --glob-input "*" --glob-output embossed_output --filter3x3 -1 -1 0 -1 1 1 0 1 1` A few things worth noticing: 1) We use quotation marks (`"`) around the input argument, so our shell won't expand the glob pattern to a list of files. 2) When using glob mode, our output (`--glob-output`) should be a folder instead of a file. 3) We need to explicitly state the output format with `--output-format`, unless we work with a known extension we want to keep. Output images are placed in the output folder using the directory structure mirrored from the first common directory of all input files. If output directories do not exist, they will be created.
##### Apply image operations There are two methods to apply image operations. You can only use one at a time. The first method is called the _script operations method_ (or: _script_), and the second method is called the _cli operations method_ (or _cli ops_).

The operations are applied in the same order as they are provided (left-to-right) and are generally not commutative. ###### 📜 script operations method Use this method by using the `--apply-operations ""` (shorthand: `-x`) cli argument and providing statements which tell `sic` what operations should be applied on the image, for example:
`sic -i input.jpg -o output.jpg --apply-operations "flip-horizontal; blur 10; resize 250 250"`
When more than one image operation is provided, the separator `;` should be used to separate each operation statement.

###### ✏️ cli operations method Use this method by providing cli image operation arguments, such as `--blur` and `--crop`, directly. If we use the _cli operations_ method the previously shown example becomes:
`sic -i input.png -o output.jpg --flip-horizontal --blur 10 --resize 250 250`

##### Supported operations |operations|syntax*|available from version|description| |---|---|---|---| |blur | `blur ` | 0.5.0 | Performs a Gaussian blur on the image ([more info](https://docs.rs/image/0.19.0/image/imageops/fn.blur.html)). An argument below `0.0`, will use `1.0` instead. | |brighten | `brighten ` | 0.7.0 | Create a brightened version of the image. | |contrast | `contrast ` | 0.7.0 | Adjust the contrast of the image. | |crop | `crop ` | 0.9.0 | Syntax: `crop `, where `lx` is top left corner x pixel coordinate starting at 0, `ly` is the top left corner y pixel coordinate starting at 0, `rx` is the bottom right corner x pixel coordinate and `ry` is the bottom right corner y pixel coordinate. `rx` and `ry` should be larger than `lx` and `ly` respectively. | |diff | `diff ` | 0.11.0 | Diff the input image against the argument image to show which pixels are the same (white), different (red) or not part of either image (transparent). | |draw-text | `draw-text ` | 0.12.0 + feature: `imageproc-ops` | Draw text on top of an image (note: alpha-blending is not yet supported). | |filter3x3 | `filter3x3 ` | 0.7.0 | Apply a 3 by 3 convolution filter. | |flip horizontal | `flip-horizontal` | 0.5.0 | Flips the image on the horizontal axis. | |flip vertical | `flip-vertical` | 0.5.0 | Flips the image on the vertical axis. | |gray scale | `grayscale` | 0.7.0 | Transform each pixel to only hold an intensity of light value. Reduces the color space to contain only gray monochromatic values.| |hue rotate | `hue-rotate ` | 0.7.0 | Rotate's the hue, argument is in degrees. Rotates `%360` degrees. | |invert | `invert` | 0.7.0 | Invert the colours of an image. | |overlay | `overlay ` | 0.14.0 | Overlay an image loaded from the provided argument path over the input image (at a certain position). | |resize | `resize ` | 0.5.0 | Resize the image to x by y pixels. Can both up- and downscale. Uses a `lanczos3` sampling filter unless overridden. Prior to sic v0.11, the default sampling filter was `gaussian`. | | > | `set preserve-aspect-ratio ` | 0.9.0 | Enables preservation of the aspect ratio when resizing. | | > | `set sampling-filter ` | 0.9.0 | When resizing use the `` sampling filter. Choices are `catmullrom`, `gaussian`,`lanczos3`,`nearest`,`triangle`. | |rotate90 | `rotate90` | 0.7.0 | Rotate an image 90 degrees. | |rotate180 | `rotate180` | 0.7.0 | Rotate an image 180 degrees. | |rotate270 | `rotate270` | 0.7.0 | Rotate an image 270 degrees. | |unsharpen | `unsharpen ` | 0.7.0 | Applies an unsharpen mask to the image. The first parameter defines how much the image should be blurred and the second parameter defines a threshold. If the difference between the original and blurred image is at least the threshold, they will be subtracted from each other. Can be used to sharpen an image. | `* The exact syntax applies to the --apply-operations method, but can also be used as a reference for the image operations as cli arguments method.` For some operations, their behaviour can be adapted by setting an operation modifier. These modifiers can be overwritten and they can also be reset (to their default behaviour). |environment operation|syntax|available (from version)|description| |---|---|---|---| |set environment option | `set