Welcome to nbcat 👋

Version License: MIT Twitter: moisutsu

> A command-line tool that displays .ipynb file like `cat` command. ## Install Homebrew ```sh brew install moisutsu/tap/nbcat ``` Cargo ```sh cargo install nbcat ``` ## Usage You can view the .ipynb file on the terminal by simply passing the path, as in the `cat` command. ```sh nbcat ``` ### Features - Display notebooks containing images - Option to ignore cell output (`--ignore-output`) ![Display notebook include graph](image/display_notebook_include_graph.png) ## Author 👤 **moisutsu** * Twitter: [@moisutsu](https://twitter.com/moisutsu) * Github: [@moisutsu](https://github.com/moisutsu) ## Show your support Give a ⭐️ if this project helped you! *** _This README was generated with ❤️ by [readme-md-generator](https://github.com/kefranabg/readme-md-generator)_