use std::{ sync::Arc, thread, time::{Duration, SystemTime}, }; use crossbeam_utils::atomic::AtomicCell; use nblock::{idle::NoOp, selector::DedicatedThreadSelector, task::Nonblock, Runtime}; #[test] fn test_join_handle_try_take() { let runtime = create_runtime(); let task = move || Nonblock::Complete("success".to_owned()); let handle = runtime.spawn("mytask", task); let output = unwrap_timeout(move || handle.try_take().unwrap()); assert_eq!("success", output.as_str()); } #[test] fn test_join_handle_join() { let runtime = create_runtime(); let task = move || Nonblock::Complete("success".to_owned()); let handle = runtime.spawn("mytask", task); let output = handle.join(NoOp).unwrap(); assert_eq!("success", output.as_str()); } #[test] fn test_join_handle_on_complete_from_task_thread() { let runtime = create_runtime(); // create task that will be sleeping while on_complete_hook is set let task = move || { thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); Nonblock::Complete("success".to_owned()) }; let output = Arc::new(AtomicCell::>::new(None)); { let output = Arc::clone(&output); // run the task and immediately set the on_complete hook, so the task should still be running runtime .spawn("mytask", task) .on_complete(move |x|; } let output = unwrap_timeout(move || output.take()); assert_eq!("success", output.as_str()); } #[test] fn test_join_handle_on_complete_from_caller_thread() { let runtime = create_runtime(); // create task that will execute immediately let task = move || Nonblock::Complete("success".to_owned()); // execute the task and get the handle let handle = runtime.spawn("mytask", task); // sleep, which will cause the task to execute fully thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); // set on_complete, which should be for a completed task by now, which will mean the only way it can be called is from the current thread let output = Arc::new(AtomicCell::>::new(None)); { let output = Arc::clone(&output); handle.on_complete(move |x|; } // take output let output = unwrap_timeout(move || output.take()); assert_eq!("success", output.as_str()); } fn create_runtime() -> Runtime { Runtime::builder() .with_thread_selector(DedicatedThreadSelector::new(NoOp)) .build() .unwrap() } fn unwrap_timeout Option>(mut func: F) -> T { let end = SystemTime::now() + Duration::from_secs(5); while SystemTime::now() < end { if let Some(x) = func() { return x; } thread::sleep(Duration::from_millis(1)) } func().unwrap() }