//! Penetration depth computation algorithm approximating the Minkowskis sum. use num::{Bounded, Zero}; use alga::general::Id; use alga::linear::{NormedSpace, Translation}; use na::{self, Unit}; use shape::{AnnotatedPoint, MinkowskiSum, Reflection}; use shape::SupportMap; use query::algorithms::gjk; use query::algorithms::simplex::Simplex; use math::{Isometry, Point, Vector}; /// Computes the closest points between two implicit inter-penetrating shapes. Returns None if the /// shapes are not in penetration. This can be used as a fallback algorithm for the GJK algorithm. pub fn closest_points
m1: &M,
g1: &G1,
m2: &M,
g2: &G2,
simplex: &mut S,
) -> Option<(P, P, Unit ,
S: Simplex ,
G2: SupportMap ,
let reflect2 = Reflection::new(g2);
let cso = MinkowskiSum::new(m1, g1, m2, &reflect2);
// find an approximation of the smallest penetration direction
let mut best_dir: P::Vector = na::zero();
let mut min_dist = Bounded::max_value();
P::Vector::sample_sphere(|sample: P::Vector| {
let support = cso.support_point(&Id::new(), &sample);
let distance = na::dot(&sample, &support.coordinates());
if distance < min_dist {
best_dir = sample;
min_dist = distance;
let extra_shift = na::convert(0.01f64); // FIXME: do not hard-code the extra shift?
let shift = best_dir * (min_dist + extra_shift);
let tm2 = m2.append_translation(&M::Translation::from_vector(shift).unwrap());
simplex.modify_pnts(&|pt| pt.translate_2(&(-shift)));
match gjk::closest_points(m1, g1, &tm2, g2, simplex) {
None => None, // panic!("Internal error: the origin was inside of the Simplex during phase 1."),
Some((p1, p2)) => {
// NOTE: at this point, p1 must *not* be concidered as a good contact point for the
// first object. For example:
// +-------------+
// | |
// | obj2 |
// +-------|-----+ |
// | +-----+-------+
// | obj1 |
// | |
// +-------------+
// May Become after shifting:
// +-------------+
// | |
// | obj2 |
// | |
// p2 -> x-------------+
// +-------------x <- p1
// | |
// | obj1 |
// | |
// +-------------+
// Thus, after un-shifting, p1 becomes clearly invalid:
// +-------------+
// | |
// | obj2 |
// +-------|-----+ <- p1 |
// | p2 -> +-----+-------+
// | obj1 |
// | |
// +-------------+
let (normal, dist_err) = Unit::new_and_get(p2 - p1);
if !dist_err.is_zero() {
let p2 = p2 + (-shift);
let center = na::center(&p1, &p2);
let nmin_dist = na::dot(&*normal, &best_dir) * (min_dist + extra_shift);
let p2 = center + (-*normal) * (nmin_dist - dist_err);
Some((center, p2, normal))
} else {
// FIXME: something went wrong here.
/// Projects the origin on a support-mapped shape.
/// The origin is assumed to be inside of the shape.
pub fn project_origin (m: &M, g: &G, simplex: &mut S) -> Option
P: Point,
M: Isometry ,
S: Simplex ,
G: SupportMap ,
// find an approximation of the smallest penetration direction
let mut best_dir: P::Vector = na::zero();
let mut min_dist = Bounded::max_value();
P::Vector::sample_sphere(|sample: P::Vector| {
let support = g.support_point(m, &sample);
let distance = na::dot(&sample, &support.coordinates());
if distance < min_dist {
best_dir = sample;
min_dist = distance;
let extra_shift = na::convert(0.01f64); // FIXME: do not hard-code the extra shift?
let shift = best_dir * (min_dist + extra_shift);
let tm = m.append_translation(&M::Translation::from_vector(-shift).unwrap());
simplex.modify_pnts(&|pt| *pt = *pt + (-shift));
match gjk::project_origin(&tm, g, simplex) {
None => None, // panic!("Internal error: the origin was inside of the Simplex during phase 1."),
Some(p) => {
let mut normal = -p.coordinates();
let dist_err = normal.normalize_mut();
if !dist_err.is_zero() {
let nmin_dist = na::dot(&normal, &best_dir) * (min_dist + extra_shift);
Some(P::origin() + normal * (nmin_dist - dist_err))
} else {
// FIXME: something went wrong here.