use alga::linear::Translation;
use math::{Isometry, Point};
use shape::{Ball, Plane, Shape};
use query::contacts_internal;
use query::contacts_internal::Contact;
/// Computes one contact point between two shapes.
/// Returns `None` if the objects are separated by a distance greater than `prediction`.
pub fn shape_against_shape
m1: &M,
g1: &Shape
m2: &M,
g2: &Shape
prediction: P::Real,
) -> Option>
P: Point,
M: Isometry,
if let (Some(b1), Some(b2)) = (
) {
let p1 = P::from_coordinates(m1.translation().to_vector());
let p2 = P::from_coordinates(m2.translation().to_vector());
contacts_internal::ball_against_ball(&p1, b1, &p2, b2, prediction)
} else if let (Some(p1), Some(s2)) = (g1.as_shape::>(), g2.as_support_map()) {
contacts_internal::plane_against_support_map(m1, p1, m2, s2, prediction)
} else if let (Some(s1), Some(p2)) = (g1.as_support_map(), g2.as_shape::>()) {
contacts_internal::support_map_against_plane(m1, s1, m2, p2, prediction)
} else if let (Some(s1), Some(s2)) = (g1.as_support_map(), g2.as_support_map()) {
contacts_internal::support_map_against_support_map(m1, s1, m2, s2, prediction)
} else if let Some(c1) = g1.as_composite_shape() {
contacts_internal::composite_shape_against_shape(m1, c1, m2, g2, prediction)
} else if let Some(c2) = g2.as_composite_shape() {
contacts_internal::shape_against_composite_shape(m1, g1, m2, c2, prediction)
} else {
panic!("No algorithm known to compute a contact point between the given pair of shapes.")