use nd_interpolate; mod test_manager; extern crate image; use image::*; use rand::prelude::*; use nd_interpolate::*; use std::f64::consts::PI; use std::thread; #[test] fn linear_image_interpolation() { test_manager::setup(); let size = 512; let mut img: RgbImage = ImageBuffer::new(size, size); let mut rand_grid = [[0f64; 3]; 3]; for x in 0..rand_grid.len(){ for y in 0..rand_grid[x].len(){ let r: f64 = random(); rand_grid[x][y] = r; } } for py in 0..size{ for px in 0..size{ let x = rand_grid.len() as f64 * px as f64 / size as f64; let y = rand_grid[0].len() as f64 * py as f64 / size as f64; let ix = f64::floor(x) as usize % rand_grid.len(); let iy = f64::floor(y) as usize % rand_grid[ix].len(); let ixp1 = (ix+1) % rand_grid.len(); let iyp1 = (iy+1) % rand_grid[ixp1].len(); let v = ((linear_2D_grid(x, y, &[[ rand_grid[ix][iy],rand_grid[ix][iyp1] ],[ rand_grid[ixp1][iy],rand_grid[ixp1][iyp1] ]])) * 255f64) as u8; let v = v.max(0).min(255); let pixel = Rgb([v,v,v]); img.put_pixel(px, py, pixel); } }"linear_image_interpolation.png").unwrap(); } #[test] fn cubic_image_interpolation() { test_manager::setup(); println!("tri-cubic interpolation test"); let imgsize = 512; let w = 2*imgsize; let h = imgsize; let gridsize = 16; let gridcenter = gridsize / 2; let radius = (gridsize / 2 - 3) as f64; let mut img: RgbImage = ImageBuffer::new(w, h); let mut rand_grid = vec![vec![vec![0f64;gridsize];gridsize];gridsize]; for x in 0..rand_grid.len(){ for y in 0..rand_grid[x].len(){ for z in 0..rand_grid[x][y].len() { let r: f64 = random(); rand_grid[x][y][z] = r; } } } for py in 0..h { for px in 0..w { let lon = (px as f64 / w as f64) * (2.0*PI) - PI; let lat = ((h-py) as f64 / h as f64) * PI - 0.5*PI; let coord = [ radius * lon.sin() * lat.cos(), // X radius * lat.sin(), // Y radius * lon.cos() * lat.cos(), // Z ]; let grid_coord: [usize; 3] = [ (coord[0].floor() as i32 + gridcenter as i32) as usize, (coord[1].floor() as i32 + gridcenter as i32) as usize, (coord[2].floor() as i32 + gridcenter as i32) as usize ]; let mut local = [[[0f64;4];4];4]; for ix in 0..4{for iy in 0..4{for iz in 0..4{ let gx = grid_coord[0]; let gy = grid_coord[1]; let gz = grid_coord[2]; local[ix][iy][iz] = rand_grid[ix+gx-1][iy+gy-1][iz+gz-1]; }}} let v = ((cubic_3D_grid(coord, &local)) * 255f64) as u8; let pixel = Rgb([v,v,v]); img.put_pixel(px, py, pixel); } }"3D_cubic_image_interpolation.png").unwrap(); } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn test_10d_linear_interpolation(){ let target_coord = [0.9, 0.01, 0.8, 0.1, 0.7, 0.2, 0.6, 0.3, 0.5, 0.4]; let slopes = [-6.4, -8.5, -1.5, 6.4, 4.1, -1.9, 6.3, 9.6, 4.7, 5.2]; let offsets = [8.9, -0.7, 4.1, -6.0, -3.1, -2.1, -7.9, 1.4, 5.0, -4.8]; let target_value = linfunc(&target_coord, &slopes, &offsets); let mut grid = [[[[[[[[[[0f64;2];2];2];2];2];2];2];2];2];2]; for d0 in 0..2{ for d1 in 0..2{ for d2 in 0..2{ for d3 in 0..2{ for d4 in 0..2{ for d5 in 0..2{ for d6 in 0..2{ for d7 in 0..2{ for d8 in 0..2{ for d9 in 0..2{ // OMFG! 10D, you crazy let v = linfunc(&[d0 as f64, d1 as f64, d2 as f64, d3 as f64, d4 as f64, d5 as f64, d6 as f64, d7 as f64, d8 as f64, d9 as f64], &slopes, &offsets); grid[d0][d1][d2][d3][d4][d5][d6][d7][d8][d9] = v; }}}}}}}}}} let ival = linear_10D_grid(target_coord, &grid); let percent_delta = 100.0 * f64::abs((target_value - ival)/target_value); println!("10D linear target value = {}, interpolated = {}, % delta = {}%", target_value, ival, percent_delta); assert!(percent_delta < 0.1); } fn linfunc(coord: &[f64;10], slope: &[f64;10], offset: &[f64;10]) -> f64{ let mut sum = 0.; for n in 0..10{ sum += coord[n] * slope[n] + offset[n]; } return sum; } #[test] #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn test_10d_cubic_interpolation(){ // 10D is insane, not even going to try to visualize it // instead, we'll use fixed values // if every point in the grid is a function of its distance from the origin, // then the interpolated value should be roughly the same as it's distance function // NOTE: standard stack size limit is not large enough to hold a size 4 10D array :-( let builder = thread::Builder::new() .name("big-stack-thread".into()) .stack_size(16 * 1024 * 1024); // 16MB of stack space let handler = builder.spawn(|| { // stack-intensive operations let A = 0.011; let B = -0.13; let C = 1.5; let D = -17.0; let target_coord = [1.9, 1.01, 1.8, 1.1, 1.7, 1.2, 1.6, 1.3, 1.5, 1.4]; let target_value = cubic(dist_10d(&target_coord), A, B, C, D); let mut grid = [[[[[[[[[[0f64;4];4];4];4];4];4];4];4];4];4]; for d0 in 0..4{ for d1 in 0..4{ for d2 in 0..4{ for d3 in 0..4{ for d4 in 0..4{ for d5 in 0..4{ for d6 in 0..4{ for d7 in 0..4{ for d8 in 0..4{ for d9 in 0..4{ // OMFG! 10D, you crazy let d = dist_10d(&[d0 as f64, d1 as f64, d2 as f64, d3 as f64, d4 as f64, d5 as f64, d6 as f64, d7 as f64, d8 as f64, d9 as f64]); grid[d0][d1][d2][d3][d4][d5][d6][d7][d8][d9] = cubic(d, A, B, C, D); }}}}}}}}}} let ival = cubic_10D_grid(target_coord, &grid); let percent_delta = 100.0 * f64::abs((target_value - ival)/target_value); println!("10D cubic target value = {}, interpolated = {}, % delta = {}%", target_value, ival, percent_delta); assert!(percent_delta < 0.1); }).unwrap(); handler.join().unwrap(); } fn dist_10d(coord: &[f64;10]) -> f64{ let mut sqsum = 0f64; for n in 0..coord.len(){ sqsum += coord[n] * coord[n]; } return f64::sqrt(sqsum); } #[allow(non_snake_case)] fn cubic(x: f64, A: f64, B: f64, C: f64, D: f64) -> f64{ return A*x*x*x+B*x*x+C*x+D; }