use std::str::FromStr; use dummy::ContractContract as DummyContract; use ft::ContractContract as FTContract; use multi_token::ContractContract as MTContract; use multi_token_standard::TokenType; use near_sdk::serde_json::json; use near_sdk::{json_types::U128, AccountId}; use near_sdk_sim::{ call, deploy, init_simulator, to_yocto, ContractAccount, UserAccount, DEFAULT_GAS, STORAGE_AMOUNT, }; use nft::{ContractContract as NFTContract, DEFAULT_META}; // Load in contract bytes at runtime near_sdk_sim::lazy_static_include::lazy_static_include_bytes! { DUMMY_BYTES => "res/dummy.wasm", FT_BYTES => "res/ft.wasm", NFT_BYTES => "res/nft.wasm", MT_BYTES => "res/multi_token.wasm", } pub const DUMMY_ID: &str = "dummy"; pub const FT_ID: &str = "ft"; pub const NFT_ID: &str = "nft"; pub const NFT_TOKEN_ID: &str = "nft1"; pub const MT_ID: &str = "mt"; pub const MT_NFT_ID: &str = "MT-nft"; pub const MT_FT_ID: &str = "MT-ft"; // Register the given `user` with FT contract pub fn register_user(user: &near_sdk_sim::UserAccount, is_root: bool) { AccountId::from_str(DUMMY_ID).unwrap(), "accounts_storage_deposit", &json!({ "registration_only": false, }) .to_string() .into_bytes(), near_sdk_sim::DEFAULT_GAS / 2, near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 1_000, ); if !is_root { AccountId::from_str(MT_ID).unwrap(), "storage_deposit", &json!({ "account_id": user.account_id(), "token_ids": vec![MT_NFT_ID.to_string(), MT_FT_ID.to_string()], "registration_only": false, }) .to_string() .into_bytes(), near_sdk_sim::DEFAULT_GAS / 2, near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 2_000, ) .assert_success(); } AccountId::from_str(FT_ID).unwrap(), "storage_deposit", &json!({ "account_id": user.account_id(), "registration_only": false, }) .to_string() .into_bytes(), near_sdk_sim::DEFAULT_GAS / 2, near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 125, // attached deposit ) .assert_success(); } pub fn init_with_macros( ft_total_supply: u128, ) -> ( UserAccount, ContractAccount, ContractAccount, ContractAccount, ContractAccount, UserAccount, ) { let root = init_simulator(None); // uses default values for deposit and gas let dummy = deploy!( // Contract Proxy contract: DummyContract, // Contract account id contract_id: DUMMY_ID, // Bytes of contract bytes: &DUMMY_BYTES, // User deploying the contract, signer_account: root, // init method init_method: new() ); let mt = deploy!( // Contract Proxy contract: MTContract, // Contract account id contract_id: MT_ID, // Bytes of contract bytes: &MT_BYTES, // User deploying the contract, signer_account: root, // init method init_method: new(root.account_id()) ); let ft = deploy!( // Contract Proxy contract: FTContract, // Contract account id contract_id: FT_ID, // Bytes of contract bytes: &FT_BYTES, // User deploying the contract, signer_account: root, // init method init_method: new_default_meta(root.account_id(), ft_total_supply.into()) ); let nft = deploy!( // Contract Proxy contract: NFTContract, // Contract account id contract_id: NFT_ID, // Bytes of contract bytes: &NFT_BYTES, // User deploying the contract, signer_account: root, // init method init_method: new_default_meta(root.account_id()) ); let alice = root.create_user(AccountId::from_str("alice").unwrap(), to_yocto("100")); // Create the mt ft call!( root, MT_FT_ID.to_string(), TokenType::Ft, Some(ft_total_supply.into()), root.account_id(), None ), deposit = near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 1_000 ) .assert_success(); // Create the mt nft call!( root,, TokenType::Nft, None, root.account_id(), None), deposit = near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 1_000 ) .assert_success(); // Create the mt ft call!( root, MT_FT_ID.to_string(), TokenType::Ft, Some(ft_total_supply.into()), root.account_id(), None ), deposit = near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 1_000 ) .assert_success(); call!( root, nft.nft_mint(NFT_TOKEN_ID.to_string(), root.account_id(), DEFAULT_META), deposit = near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 1_000 ) .assert_success(); register_user(&root, true); register_user(&alice, false); AccountId::from_str(FT_ID).unwrap(), "storage_deposit", &json!({ "account_id": dummy.account_id() }) .to_string() .into_bytes(), near_sdk_sim::DEFAULT_GAS / 2, near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 125, // attached deposit ) .assert_success(); // Register the dummy contract with MT AccountId::from_str(MT_ID).unwrap(), "storage_deposit", &json!({ "account_id": dummy.account_id(), "token_ids": vec![MT_NFT_ID.to_string(), MT_FT_ID.to_string()], "registration_only": false, }) .to_string() .into_bytes(), near_sdk_sim::DEFAULT_GAS / 2, near_sdk::env::storage_byte_cost() * 325, // attached deposit ) .assert_success(); // Mint an NFT (root, dummy, ft, nft, mt, alice) }