use assert_cmd::assert::OutputAssertExt; use cargo_metadata::MetadataCommand; use regex::Regex; use std::{ env::{remove_var, set_current_dir, var}, ffi::OsStr, fs::{read_to_string, OpenOptions}, io::{stderr, Write}, path::Path, process::{exit, Command}, sync::Mutex, }; use walkdir::WalkDir; mod tempfile_util; use tempfile_util::tempdir; #[ctor::ctor] fn initialize() { // smoelius: Run the CI tests if either the target OS is Linux or we are running locally, i.e., // `CI` is _not_ set. if cfg!(not(target_os = "linux")) && var("CI").is_ok() { exit(0); } remove_var("CARGO_TERM_COLOR"); set_current_dir("..").unwrap(); } #[test] fn clippy() { clippy_command(&[], &["--deny=warnings"]).assert().success(); } #[test] fn doc() { Command::new("cargo") .args(["doc", "--document-private-items"]) .env("RUSTDOCFLAGS", "-D warnings") .assert() .success(); } #[test] fn dylint() { // smoelius: Generate `warnings.json` and run Clippy for `overscoped_allow`. let file = OpenOptions::new() .create(true) .write(true) .truncate(true) .open("warnings.json") .unwrap(); clippy_command( &["--message-format=json"], &[ "--force-warn=clippy::all", "--force-warn=clippy::pedantic", "--force-warn=clippy::expect_used", "--force-warn=clippy::unwrap_used", "--force-warn=clippy::panic", ], ) .stdout(file) .assert() .success(); Command::new("cargo") .args(["dylint", "--all", "--", "--all-features", "--all-targets"]) .env("DYLINT_RUSTFLAGS", "--deny warnings") .assert() .success(); } #[test] fn format() { preserves_cleanliness("format", || { Command::new("cargo") .args(["+nightly", "fmt"]) .assert() .success(); }); } #[test] fn github() { const EXCEPTIONS: &[&str] = &[ "ci", "ci_is_disabled", "dogfood", "general", "tempfile_util", "third_party_common", ]; let metadata = MetadataCommand::new().no_deps().exec().unwrap(); let package = metadata .packages .into_iter() .find(|package| == "necessist") .unwrap(); let mut metadata_tests = package .targets .into_iter() .filter_map(|target| { if target.is_test() && !EXCEPTIONS.contains(& { Some( } else { None } }) .chain(std::iter::once(String::from("other"))) .collect::>(); metadata_tests.sort(); let ci_yml = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("../.github/workflows/ci.yml"); let contents = read_to_string(ci_yml).unwrap(); let test_array = contents .lines() .find_map(|line| line.trim_start().strip_prefix("test: ")) .unwrap(); let ci_tests = test_array .strip_prefix('[') .and_then(|s| s.strip_suffix(']')) .unwrap() .split(", ") .collect::>(); assert_eq!(metadata_tests, ci_tests); } #[test] fn hack_feature_powerset_udeps() { Command::new("rustup") .env("RUSTFLAGS", "-D warnings") .args([ "run", "nightly", "cargo", "hack", "--feature-powerset", "udeps", ]) .assert() .success(); } #[test] fn license() { let re = Regex::new(r"^[^:]*\b(Apache-2.0|0BSD|BSD-\d-Clause|CC0-1.0|MIT|MPL-2\.0)\b").unwrap(); for line in std::str::from_utf8( &Command::new("cargo") .arg("license") .assert() .success() .get_output() .stdout, ) .unwrap() .lines() { if line == "AGPL-3.0 (3): necessist, necessist-backends, necessist-core" { continue; } assert!(re.is_match(line), "{line:?} does not match"); } } #[test] fn markdown_link_check() { let tempdir = tempdir().unwrap(); // smoelius: Pin `markdown-link-check` to version 3.11 until the following issue is resolved: // Command::new("npm") .args(["install", "markdown-link-check@3.11"]) .current_dir(&tempdir) .assert() .success(); // smoelius: let config = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("tests/markdown_link_check.json"); let readme_md = Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("../"); Command::new("npx") .args([ "markdown-link-check", "--config", &config.to_string_lossy(), &readme_md.to_string_lossy(), ]) .current_dir(&tempdir) .assert() .success(); } /// `noninvasive_siblings` helps to expose circular module dependencies. #[test] fn noninvasive_siblings() { let re = Regex::new(r"use super::\{([^}]|\}[^;])*::").unwrap(); for entry in WalkDir::new(Path::new(env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR")).join("..")) .into_iter() .filter_entry(|entry| entry.path().file_name() != Some(OsStr::new("target"))) { let entry = entry.unwrap(); let path = entry.path(); if path.extension() != Some(OsStr::new("rs")) { continue; } // smoelius: The regex matches its own declaration. Ignore. if path.ends_with(file!()) { continue; } let contents = read_to_string(path).unwrap(); if contents.contains("use super::{") { assert!(!re.is_match(&contents), "failed for {path:?}"); } } } #[test] fn prettier() { const ARGS: &[&str] = &[ "{}/../**/*.json", "{}/../**/*.md", "{}/../**/*.yml", "!{}/../fixtures/**", "!{}/../backends/src/anchor/rfc8032_test_vector.json", "!{}/../target/**", "!{}/../warnings.json", ]; let tempdir = tempdir().unwrap(); Command::new("npm") .args(["install", "prettier"]) .current_dir(&tempdir) .assert() .success(); Command::new("npx") .args(["prettier", "--check"]) .args( ARGS.iter() .map(|s| s.replace("{}", env!("CARGO_MANIFEST_DIR"))), ) .current_dir(&tempdir) .assert() .success(); } #[test] fn readme_contains_usage() { let readme = read_to_string("").unwrap(); let assert = assert_cmd::Command::cargo_bin("necessist") .unwrap() .arg("--help") .assert(); let stdout = &assert.get_output().stdout; let usage = std::str::from_utf8(stdout).unwrap(); assert!(readme.contains(usage)); } #[test] fn readme_reference_links_are_sorted() { let re = Regex::new(r"^\[[^\]]*\]:").unwrap(); let readme = read_to_string("").unwrap(); let links = readme .lines() .filter(|line| re.is_match(line)) .collect::>(); let mut links_sorted = links.clone(); links_sorted.sort_unstable(); assert_eq!(links_sorted, links); } #[test] fn readme_reference_links_are_used() { let re = Regex::new(r"(?m)^(\[[^\]]*\]):").unwrap(); let readme = read_to_string("").unwrap(); for captures in re.captures_iter(&readme) { assert_eq!(2, captures.len()); let m = captures.get(1).unwrap(); assert!( readme[..m.start()].contains(m.as_str()), "{} is unused", m.as_str() ); } } #[test] fn readme_toc_is_accurate() { let readme = read_to_string("").unwrap(); let expected_toc = readme.lines().filter_map(|line| { line.strip_prefix("## ") .map(|suffix| format!("- [{suffix}](#{})", suffix.to_lowercase().replace(' ', "-"))) }); assert!(readme.contains( &std::iter::once(String::new()) .chain(expected_toc) .chain(std::iter::once(String::new())) .map(|s| format!("{s}\n")) .collect::() )); } #[test] fn sort() { Command::new("cargo") .args(["sort", "--check", "--grouped"]) .assert() .success(); } #[test] fn unmaintained() { Command::new("cargo") .args(["unmaintained", "--color=never", "--fail-fast"]) .assert() .success(); } #[test] fn update() { preserves_cleanliness("update", || { Command::new("cargo") .args(["update", "--workspace"]) .assert() .success(); }); } fn clippy_command(cargo_args: &[&str], rustc_args: &[&str]) -> Command { let mut command = Command::new("cargo"); command .args(["+nightly", "clippy", "--all-features", "--all-targets"]) .args(cargo_args) .args(["--"]) .args(rustc_args); command } static MUTEX: Mutex<()> = Mutex::new(()); fn preserves_cleanliness(test_name: &str, f: impl FnOnce()) { let _lock = MUTEX.lock().unwrap(); if var("CI").is_err() && dirty().is_some() { #[allow(clippy::explicit_write)] writeln!( stderr(), "Skipping `{test_name}` test as repository is dirty" ) .unwrap(); return; } f(); if let Some(stdout) = dirty() { panic!("{}", stdout); } } fn dirty() -> Option { let output = Command::new("git") .args(["diff", "--exit-code"]) .output() .unwrap(); if output.status.success() { None } else { Some(String::from_utf8(output.stdout).unwrap()) } }