
Control your neopixels from your PC!

# Installation `cargo add neobridge-rust` ## Setup (board) To start controlling neopixels directly from your PC, you have to setup your circuitpython board to receive serial commands. This is already programmed in the `code.py` script. Follow the steps below. 1. Download [code.py](https://github.com/porplax/neobridge/blob/master/src/neobridge/code.py) 2. Move to the circuitpython board (*RP2040 is officially supported*) 3. **You will need to edit `code.py` to fit your setup!** (*Number of LEDs, Pin location, Order*) 4. Run the script. The script will run every bootup. ## Setup (PC/Linux/MacOS) Now that the board is ready for serial communication, you can now control it from your PC directly. This lets you program a lot of cool lighting effects! The example below creates a 'loading' bar like effect. ```rust use neobridge_rust::{Neobridge, RGB}; fn main() { let mut neobridge = Neobridge::new("COM3", 30); neobridge.set_all(RGB(0, 0, 0)); neobridge.show(); let mut i = 0; loop { if (i == 30) { i = 0; } neobridge.set_one(RGB(255, 255, 255), i); neobridge.show(); std::thread::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_millis(50)); neobridge.set_all(RGB(0, 0, 0)); i += 1; } } ``` Before you can start controlling from PC, you have to enter the location of your board. - On Windows, this is usually under a name such as `COM3`, this can be different. - On Linux, it looks like `/dev/ttyACM0` - On MacOS, the name looks like `/dev/tty.usbmodem1d12` **These names can be different!** Make sure to find the right one for the board! ## Documentation ```rust let neobridge = Neobridge::new("COM3", 30); /* *Connects to the board and initializes a struct object.* Args: `port (str)`: Takes a `str` object to initialize the board. `n_of_leds (u32)`: Number of LEDs on the board. */ ``` ```rust neobridge.set_all(self, rgb: RGB) /* *Sets all LEDs on the board to the given RGB values.* Args: `rgb (RGB)`: RGB values to set. */ ``` ```rust neobridge.set_one(self, rgb: RGB, index: u32) /* *Sets a single LED on the board to the given RGB values.* Args: rgb (RGB): RGB values to set. index (u32): Index of the LED to set. */ ``` ```rust neobridge.set_list(self, rgb_list: Vec) /* *Gives the board a list of RGB values to set.* Args: rgb_list (Vec): RGB list to set. */ ``` ```rust neobridge.show(self) /* Sends a command to the board to update the LEDs. */ ``` # TO-DO List - [X] Create automated installer for the board.