# neoercities Another simple Neocities API wrapper. ## Usage: Create a [`NeocitiesClient`] either with or without authentication (no-auth clients have very limited functionality). ```rust let client1 = NeocitiesClient::new("randomuser", "notmypassword"); let client2 = NeocitiesClient::new_with_key(&key); let client3 = NeocitiesClient::new_no_auth(); ``` From there, you can talk to the Neocities API at your leisure. ```rust let info = client1.info(); client2.upload("site/file.txt", "file.txt"); let someone_elses_info = client3.info_no_auth("ambyshframber"); // this is the only method that no-auth clients can call ``` The crate also includes an optional utility module for dealing with site file lists. Enable the `site_info` feature to use it.