const native = require('../native'); const expect = require('expect'); describe('all values ok', () => { it('value 32', () => { expect(native.make_num_32()).toBe(32); }); it('value 77', () => { expect(native.make_num_77()).toBe(77); }); it('value Hello World', () => { expect(native.make_str_hello()).toBe('Hello World'); }); it('value array', () => { expect(native.make_num_array()).toEqual([0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]); }); it('value object', () => { expect(native.make_obj()).toEqual({ 'a': 1, 'b': [0.1, 1.1, 2.2, 3.3], 'c': 'Hi' }); }); it('value map', () => { expect(native.make_map()).toEqual({ 'a': 1, 'b': 2, 'c': 3, }); }); it('make object', () => { expect(native.make_object()).toEqual({ a: 1, b: [1, 2], c: "abc", d: false, e: null, f: null, g: [9, false, "efg"], h: '\uD83E\uDD37', i: "Empty", j: {Tuple: [27, "hij"]}, k: {Struct: { a: 128, b: [9, 8, 7]}}, l: "jkl", m: [0,1,2,3,4], o: {Value: ['z', 'y', 'x']}, p: [1, 2, 3.5], q: 999, r: 333, }); }); it('make_buff', () => { const buff = new Buffer([255, 254, 253]); expect(native.make_buff()).toEqual(buff); }); it('expect_hello_world', () => { native.expect_hello_world("hello world"); }); it('expect_obj', () => { const o = { a: 1, b: [1, 2], c: "abc", d: false, e: null, f: null, g: [9, false, "efg"], h: '\uD83E\uDD37', i: "Empty", j: {Tuple: [27, "hij"]}, k: {Struct: { a: 128, b: [9, 8, 7]}}, l: "jkl", m: [0,1,2,3,4], o: {Value: ['z', 'y', 'x']}, p: [1, 2, 3.5], q: 999, r: 333, }; o.self = o; native.expect_obj(o); }); it('expect_num_array', () => { native.expect_num_array([0, 1, 2, 3]); }); it('expect_buffer', () => { native.expect_buffer(new Buffer([252, 251, 250])); native.expect_buffer(new Uint8Array([252, 251, 250])); const version = Number(process.versions.modules); if (version >= 57) { native.expect_buffer(new Uint8ClampedArray([252, 251, 250])); } }); it('rt_rust_js_rust', () => { const obj = native.make_object(); native.expect_obj(obj); }); it('rt_js_rust_js', () => { const o = { a: 1, b: [1, 2], c: "abc", d: false, e: null, f: null, g: [9, false, "efg"], h: '\uD83E\uDD37', i: "Empty", j: {Tuple: [27, "hij"]}, k: {Struct: { a: 128, b: [9, 8, 7]}}, l: "jkl", m: [0,1,2,3,4], o: {Value: ['z', 'y', 'x']}, p: [1, 2, 3.5], q: 999, r: 333, }; const o2 = native.roundtrip_object(o); expect(o).toEqual(o2); }); }); describe('throwing functions', () => { it('expect_hello_world', () => { expect(() => native.expect_hello_world("GoodBye World")).toThrow(/assertion failed:/); }); it('expect_obj', () => { expect(() => native.expect_obj({})).toThrow(/missing field `a`/); }); it('expect_num_array', () => { expect(() => native.expect_num_array([0, 0, 0, 0])).toThrow(/assertion failed:/); }); it('expect_buffer', () => { expect(() => native.expect_buffer()).toThrow(/not enough arguments/); }); it('getter that throws', () => { const obj = { a: 1, b: [1,3] }; for (const ch of 'cdefghijklmo') { Object.defineProperty(obj, ch, { enumerable: true, configurable: false, get() { throw new Error('Hi There prop ' + ch); } }) } expect(() => native.expect_obj(obj)) .toThrow(/Hi There prop c/); }) });