# A Directory Manager for [Neorg](https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg) The `neorg-dirman` crate is a core module which provides a basic interface for workspaces. Workspaces are the backbone of [Neorg](https://github.com/nvim-neorg/neorg) - they are a directory with an assigned name whose files are `.norg` notes belonging to a specific area of focus. This crate exposes a [`Workspace`](https://docs.rs/neorg-dirman/latest/neorg_dirman/workspace/struct.Workspace.html) struct as well as a [`WorkspaceManager`](https://docs.rs/neorg-dirman/latest/neorg_dirman/workspace/struct.WorkspaceManager.html) to easily keep track of many workspaces as well as the current ("active") workspace. A [`files()`](https://docs.rs/neorg-dirman/latest/neorg_dirman/workspace/struct.Workspace.html#method.files) function is also provided to enumerate all files within a given workspace.