extern crate neovim_lib; extern crate rmp; extern crate tempdir; use neovim_lib::session::Session; use neovim_lib::neovim::Neovim; use neovim_lib::neovim_api::NeovimApi; #[cfg(unix)] use std::process::Command; #[cfg(unix)] use tempdir::TempDir; #[ignore] #[test] fn start_stop_test() { let mut session = if cfg!(target_os = "windows") { Session::new_child_path("E:\\Neovim\\bin\\nvim.exe").unwrap() } else { Session::new_child().unwrap() }; session.start_event_loop(); let mut nvim = Neovim::new(session); println!("{:?}", nvim.get_api_info().unwrap()); } #[ignore] #[test] fn remote_test() { let mut session = Session::new_tcp("").unwrap(); session.start_event_loop(); let mut nvim = Neovim::new(session); nvim.command("echo \"Test\"").unwrap(); } #[ignore] #[test] fn edit_test() { let mut session = Session::new_tcp("").unwrap(); session.start_event_loop(); let mut nvim = Neovim::new(session); let buffers = nvim.list_bufs().unwrap(); buffers[0].set_lines(&mut nvim, 0, 0, true, vec!["replace first line".to_owned()]).unwrap(); nvim.command("vsplit").unwrap(); let windows = nvim.list_wins().unwrap(); windows[0].set_width(&mut nvim, 10).unwrap(); } #[cfg(unix)] #[ignore] #[test] fn can_connect_via_unix_socket() { use std::path::Path; use std::thread::sleep; use std::time::{Duration, Instant}; let dir = TempDir::new("neovim-lib.test").expect("Cannot create temporary directory for test."); let socket_path = dir.path().join("unix_socket"); let _child = Command::new("nvim") .arg("--embed") .env("NVIM_LISTEN_ADDRESS", &socket_path) .spawn() .expect("Cannot start neovim"); // wait at least 1 second for neovim to start and create socket path. { let start = Instant::now(); let one_second = Duration::from_secs(1); loop { sleep(Duration::from_millis(100)); if let Ok(_) = std::fs::metadata(&socket_path) { break; } if one_second <= start.elapsed() { panic!(format!("neovim socket not found at '{:?}'", &socket_path)); } } } let mut session = Session::new_unix_socket(&socket_path) .expect(&format!("Unable to connect to neovim's unix socket at {:?}", &socket_path)); session.start_event_loop(); let mut nvim = Neovim::new(session); let servername = nvim.get_vvar("servername") .expect("Error retrieving servername from neovim over unix socket"); // let's make sure the servername string and socket path string both match. match servername.as_str() { Some(ref name) => { if Path::new(name) != socket_path { panic!(format!("Server name does not match socket path! {} != {}", name, socket_path.to_str().unwrap())); } } None => { panic!(format!("Server name does not match socket path! {:?} != {}", servername, socket_path.to_str().unwrap())) } } }