sign define GdbBreakpoint text=● sign define GdbCurrentLine text=⇒ let s:gdb_port = 7778 let s:run_gdb = "gdb -q -f build/bin/nvim" let s:breakpoints = {} let s:max_breakpoint_sign_id = 0 let s:GdbServer = {} function let this = copy(self) let this._gdb = a:gdb return this endfunction function s:GdbServer.on_exit() let self._gdb._server_exited = 1 endfunction let s:GdbPaused = vimexpect#State([ \ ['Continuing.', 'continue'], \ ['\v[\o32]{2}([^:]+):(\d+):\d+', 'jump'], \ ['Remote communication error. Target disconnected.:', 'retry'], \ ]) function s:GdbPaused.continue(...) call self._parser.switch(s:GdbRunning) call self.update_current_line_sign(0) endfunction function s:GdbPaused.jump(file, line, ...) if tabpagenr() != self._tab " Don't jump if we are not in the debugger tab return endif let window = winnr() exe self._jump_window 'wincmd w' let self._current_buf = bufnr('%') let target_buf = bufnr(a:file, 1) if bufnr('%') != target_buf exe 'buffer ' target_buf let self._current_buf = target_buf endif exe ':' a:line let self._current_line = a:line exe window 'wincmd w' call self.update_current_line_sign(1) endfunction function s:GdbPaused.retry(...) if self._server_exited return endif sleep 1 call self.attach() call self.send('continue') endfunction let s:GdbRunning = vimexpect#State([ \ ['\v^Breakpoint \d+', 'pause'], \ ['\v\[Inferior\ +.{-}\ +exited\ +normally', 'disconnected'], \ ['(gdb)', 'pause'], \ ]) function s:GdbRunning.pause(...) call self._parser.switch(s:GdbPaused) if !self._initialized call self.send('set confirm off') call self.send('set pagination off') if !empty(self._server_addr) call self.send('set remotetimeout 50') call self.attach() call s:RefreshBreakpoints() call self.send('c') endif let self._initialized = 1 endif endfunction function s:GdbRunning.disconnected(...) if !self._server_exited && self._reconnect " Refresh to force a delete of all watchpoints call s:RefreshBreakpoints() sleep 1 call self.attach() call self.send('continue') endif endfunction let s:Gdb = {} function s:Gdb.kill() tunmap tunmap tunmap tunmap call self.update_current_line_sign(0) exe 'bd! '.self._client_buf if self._server_buf != -1 exe 'bd! '.self._server_buf endif exe 'tabnext '.self._tab tabclose unlet g:gdb endfunction function! s:Gdb.send(data) call jobsend(self._client_id, a:data."\") endfunction function! s:Gdb.attach() call self.send(printf('target remote %s', self._server_addr)) endfunction function! s:Gdb.update_current_line_sign(add) " to avoid flicker when removing/adding the sign column(due to the change in " line width), we switch ids for the line sign and only remove the old line " sign after marking the new one let old_line_sign_id = get(self, '_line_sign_id', 4999) let self._line_sign_id = old_line_sign_id == 4999 ? 4998 : 4999 if a:add && self._current_line != -1 && self._current_buf != -1 exe 'sign place '.self._line_sign_id.' name=GdbCurrentLine line=' \.self._current_line.' buffer='.self._current_buf endif exe 'sign unplace '.old_line_sign_id endfunction function! s:Spawn(server_cmd, client_cmd, server_addr, reconnect) if exists('g:gdb') throw 'Gdb already running' endif let gdb = vimexpect#Parser(s:GdbRunning, copy(s:Gdb)) " gdbserver port let gdb._server_addr = a:server_addr let gdb._reconnect = a:reconnect let gdb._initialized = 0 " window number that will be displaying the current file let gdb._jump_window = 1 let gdb._current_buf = -1 let gdb._current_line = -1 let gdb._has_breakpoints = 0 let gdb._server_exited = 0 " Create new tab for the debugging view tabnew let gdb._tab = tabpagenr() " create horizontal split to display the current file and maybe gdbserver sp let gdb._server_buf = -1 if type(a:server_cmd) == type('') " spawn gdbserver in a vertical split let server = vsp | enew | let gdb._server_id = termopen(a:server_cmd, server) let gdb._jump_window = 2 let gdb._server_buf = bufnr('%') endif " go to the bottom window and spawn gdb client wincmd j enew | let gdb._client_id = termopen(a:client_cmd, gdb) let gdb._client_buf = bufnr('%') tnoremap :GdbContinuei tnoremap :GdbNexti tnoremap :GdbStepi tnoremap :GdbFinishi " go to the window that displays the current file exe gdb._jump_window 'wincmd w' let g:gdb = gdb endfunction function! s:Test(bang, filter) let cmd = "GDB=1 make test" if a:bang == '!' let server_addr = '| vgdb' let cmd = printf('VALGRIND=1 %s', cmd) else let server_addr = printf('localhost:%d', s:gdb_port) let cmd = printf('GDBSERVER_PORT=%d %s', s:gdb_port, cmd) endif if a:filter != '' let cmd = printf('TEST_SCREEN_TIMEOUT=1000000 TEST_FILTER="%s" %s', a:filter, cmd) endif call s:Spawn(cmd, s:run_gdb, server_addr, 1) endfunction function! s:ToggleBreak() let file_name = bufname('%') let file_breakpoints = get(s:breakpoints, file_name, {}) let linenr = line('.') if has_key(file_breakpoints, linenr) call remove(file_breakpoints, linenr) else let file_breakpoints[linenr] = 1 endif let s:breakpoints[file_name] = file_breakpoints call s:RefreshBreakpointSigns() call s:RefreshBreakpoints() endfunction function! s:ClearBreak() let s:breakpoints = {} call s:RefreshBreakpointSigns() call s:RefreshBreakpoints() endfunction function! s:RefreshBreakpointSigns() let buf = bufnr('%') let i = 5000 while i <= s:max_breakpoint_sign_id exe 'sign unplace '.i let i += 1 endwhile let s:max_breakpoint_sign_id = 0 let id = 5000 for linenr in keys(get(s:breakpoints, bufname('%'), {})) exe 'sign place '.id.' name=GdbBreakpoint line='.linenr.' buffer='.buf let s:max_breakpoint_sign_id = id let id += 1 endfor endfunction function! s:RefreshBreakpoints() if !exists('g:gdb') return endif if g:gdb._parser.state() == s:GdbRunning " pause first call jobsend(g:gdb._client_id, "\") endif if g:gdb._has_breakpoints call g:gdb.send('delete') endif let g:gdb._has_breakpoints = 0 for [file, breakpoints] in items(s:breakpoints) for linenr in keys(breakpoints) let g:gdb._has_breakpoints = 1 call g:gdb.send('break '.file.':'.linenr) endfor endfor endfunction function! s:GetExpression(...) range let [lnum1, col1] = getpos("'<")[1:2] let [lnum2, col2] = getpos("'>")[1:2] let lines = getline(lnum1, lnum2) let lines[-1] = lines[-1][:col2 - 1] let lines[0] = lines[0][col1 - 1:] return join(lines, "\n") endfunction function! s:Send(data) if !exists('g:gdb') throw 'Gdb is not running' endif call g:gdb.send(a:data) endfunction function! s:Eval(expr) call s:Send(printf('print %s', a:expr)) endfunction function! s:Watch(expr) let expr = a:expr if expr[0] != '&' let expr = '&' . expr endif call s:Eval(expr) call s:Send('watch *$') endfunction function! s:Interrupt() if !exists('g:gdb') throw 'Gdb is not running' endif call jobsend(g:gdb._client_id, "\info line\") endfunction function! s:Kill() if !exists('g:gdb') throw 'Gdb is not running' endif call g:gdb.kill() endfunction command! GdbDebugNvim call s:Spawn(printf('make && gdbserver localhost:%d build/bin/nvim', s:gdb_port), s:run_gdb, printf('localhost:%d', s:gdb_port), 0) command! -nargs=1 GdbDebugServer call s:Spawn(0, s:run_gdb, 'localhost:'., 0) command! -bang -nargs=? GdbDebugTest call s:Test(, ) command! -nargs=1 -complete=file GdbInspectCore call s:Spawn(0, printf('gdb -q -f -c %s build/bin/nvim', ), 0, 0) command! GdbDebugStop call s:Kill() command! GdbToggleBreakpoint call s:ToggleBreak() command! GdbClearBreakpoints call s:ClearBreak() command! GdbContinue call s:Send("c") command! GdbNext call s:Send("n") command! GdbStep call s:Send("s") command! GdbFinish call s:Send("finish") command! GdbFrameUp call s:Send("up") command! GdbFrameDown call s:Send("down") command! GdbInterrupt call s:Interrupt() command! GdbEvalWord call s:Eval(expand('')) command! -range GdbEvalRange call s:Eval(s:GetExpression()) command! GdbWatchWord call s:Watch(expand('') command! -range GdbWatchRange call s:Watch(s:GetExpression()) nnoremap :GdbContinue nnoremap :GdbNext nnoremap :GdbStep nnoremap :GdbFinish nnoremap :GdbToggleBreakpoint nnoremap :GdbFrameUp nnoremap :GdbFrameDown nnoremap :GdbEvalWord vnoremap :GdbEvalRange nnoremap :GdbWatchWord vnoremap :GdbWatchRange