*nvim_clipboard.txt* For Nvim. {Nvim} NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Thiago de Arruda Clipboard integration for Nvim *nvim-clipboard* Nvim has no direct connection to the system clipboard. Instead, it is accessible through the |nvim-provider| infrastructure, which transparently uses shell commands for communicating with the clipboard. Clipboard access is implicitly enabled if any of the following clipboard tools is found in your `$PATH`. - xclip - xsel (newer alternative to xclip) - pbcopy/pbpaste (only for Mac OS X) The presence of a suitable clipboard tool implicitly enables the '+' and '*' registers. If you want to ALWAYS use the clipboard for ALL operations (as opposed to interacting with the '+' and/or '*' registers explicitly), set the following option: > set clipboard+=unnamedplus < See 'clipboard' for details and more options. ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: