*nvim_python.txt* For Nvim. {Nvim} NVIM REFERENCE MANUAL by Thiago de Arruda Python plugins and scripting in Nvim *nvim-python* 1. Introduction |nvim-python-intro| 2. Quickstart |nvim-python-quickstart| ============================================================================== 1. Introduction *nvim-python-intro* Through an external Python interpreter connected via |msgpack-rpc|, Nvim offers some support for the legacy |python-vim| interface. For now only the old Vim 7.3 API is supported. ============================================================================== 2. Quickstart *nvim-python-quickstart* If you just want to start using Vim Python plugins with Nvim quickly, here's a simple tutorial: - Make sure Python 2.6 or 2.7 is available in your `$PATH`. - Install the `neovim` Python package systemwide: > # pip install neovim < or for the current user: > $ pip install --user neovim < Most Python plugins created for Vim 7.3 should work after these steps. *g:python_host_prog* To point Nvim to a specific Python interpreter, set `g:python_host_prog`: > let g:python_host_prog='/path/to/python' < ============================================================================== vim:tw=78:ts=8:noet:ft=help:norl: