-- Sanity checks for window_* API calls via msgpack-rpc local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers') local clear, nvim, buffer, curbuf, curbuf_contents, window, curwin, eq, neq, ok, feed, rawfeed, insert, eval = helpers.clear, helpers.nvim, helpers.buffer, helpers.curbuf, helpers.curbuf_contents, helpers.window, helpers.curwin, helpers.eq, helpers.neq, helpers.ok, helpers.feed, helpers.rawfeed, helpers.insert, helpers.eval local wait = helpers.wait -- check if str is visible at the beginning of some line local function is_visible(str) local slen = string.len(str) local nlines = eval("&lines") for i = 1,nlines do local iseq = true for j = 1,slen do if string.byte(str,j) ~= eval("screenchar("..i..","..j..")") then iseq = false break end end if iseq then return true end end return false end describe('window_* functions', function() before_each(clear) describe('get_buffer', function() it('works', function() eq(curbuf(), window('get_buffer', nvim('get_windows')[1])) nvim('command', 'new') nvim('set_current_window', nvim('get_windows')[2]) eq(curbuf(), window('get_buffer', nvim('get_windows')[2])) neq(window('get_buffer', nvim('get_windows')[1]), window('get_buffer', nvim('get_windows')[2])) end) end) describe('{get,set}_cursor', function() it('works', function() eq({1, 0}, curwin('get_cursor')) nvim('command', 'normal ityping\027o some text') eq('typing\n some text', curbuf_contents()) eq({2, 10}, curwin('get_cursor')) curwin('set_cursor', {2, 6}) nvim('command', 'normal i dumb') eq('typing\n some dumb text', curbuf_contents()) end) it('updates the screen, and also when the window is unfocused', function() insert("prologue") feed('100o') insert("epilogue") win = curwin() feed('gg') wait() -- let nvim process the 'gg' command -- cursor position is at beginning eq({1, 0}, window('get_cursor', win)) eq(true, is_visible("prologue")) eq(false, is_visible("epilogue")) -- move cursor to end window('set_cursor', win, {101, 0}) eq(false, is_visible("prologue")) eq(true, is_visible("epilogue")) -- move cursor to the beginning again window('set_cursor', win, {1, 0}) eq(true, is_visible("prologue")) eq(false, is_visible("epilogue")) -- move focus to new window nvim('command',"new") neq(win, curwin()) -- sanity check, cursor position is kept eq({1, 0}, window('get_cursor', win)) eq(true, is_visible("prologue")) eq(false, is_visible("epilogue")) -- move cursor to end window('set_cursor', win, {101, 0}) eq(false, is_visible("prologue")) eq(true, is_visible("epilogue")) -- move cursor to the beginning again window('set_cursor', win, {1, 0}) eq(true, is_visible("prologue")) eq(false, is_visible("epilogue")) -- curwin didn't change back neq(win, curwin()) end) end) describe('{get,set}_height', function() it('works', function() nvim('command', 'vsplit') eq(window('get_height', nvim('get_windows')[2]), window('get_height', nvim('get_windows')[1])) nvim('set_current_window', nvim('get_windows')[2]) nvim('command', 'split') eq(window('get_height', nvim('get_windows')[2]), math.floor(window('get_height', nvim('get_windows')[1]) / 2)) window('set_height', nvim('get_windows')[2], 2) eq(2, window('get_height', nvim('get_windows')[2])) end) end) describe('{get,set}_width', function() it('works', function() nvim('command', 'split') eq(window('get_width', nvim('get_windows')[2]), window('get_width', nvim('get_windows')[1])) nvim('set_current_window', nvim('get_windows')[2]) nvim('command', 'vsplit') eq(window('get_width', nvim('get_windows')[2]), math.floor(window('get_width', nvim('get_windows')[1]) / 2)) window('set_width', nvim('get_windows')[2], 2) eq(2, window('get_width', nvim('get_windows')[2])) end) end) describe('{get,set}_var', function() it('works', function() curwin('set_var', 'lua', {1, 2, {['3'] = 1}}) eq({1, 2, {['3'] = 1}}, curwin('get_var', 'lua')) eq({1, 2, {['3'] = 1}}, nvim('eval', 'w:lua')) end) end) describe('{get,set}_option', function() it('works', function() curwin('set_option', 'colorcolumn', '4,3') eq('4,3', curwin('get_option', 'colorcolumn')) -- global-local option curwin('set_option', 'statusline', 'window-status') eq('window-status', curwin('get_option', 'statusline')) eq('', nvim('get_option', 'statusline')) end) end) describe('get_position', function() it('works', function() local height = window('get_height', nvim('get_windows')[1]) local width = window('get_width', nvim('get_windows')[1]) nvim('command', 'split') nvim('command', 'vsplit') eq({0, 0}, window('get_position', nvim('get_windows')[1])) local vsplit_pos = math.floor(width / 2) local split_pos = math.floor(height / 2) local win2row, win2col = unpack(window('get_position', nvim('get_windows')[2])) local win3row, win3col = unpack(window('get_position', nvim('get_windows')[3])) eq(0, win2row) eq(0, win3col) ok(vsplit_pos - 1 <= win2col and win2col <= vsplit_pos + 1) ok(split_pos - 1 <= win3row and win3row <= split_pos + 1) end) end) describe('get_position', function() it('works', function() nvim('command', 'tabnew') nvim('command', 'vsplit') eq(window('get_tabpage', nvim('get_windows')[1]), nvim('get_tabpages')[1]) eq(window('get_tabpage', nvim('get_windows')[2]), nvim('get_tabpages')[2]) eq(window('get_tabpage', nvim('get_windows')[3]), nvim('get_tabpages')[2]) end) end) describe('is_valid', function() it('works', function() nvim('command', 'split') local win = nvim('get_windows')[2] nvim('set_current_window', win) ok(window('is_valid', win)) nvim('command', 'close') ok(not window('is_valid', win)) end) end) end)