do local proc = io.popen([[python -c 'import neovim, sys; sys.stdout.write("ok")' 2> /dev/null]]) if proc:read() ~= 'ok' then -- Don't run these tests if python is not available return end end local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers') local eval, command, feed = helpers.eval, helpers.command, helpers.feed local eq, clear, insert = helpers.eq, helpers.clear, helpers.insert local expect = helpers.expect describe('python commands and functions', function() before_each(function() clear() command('python import vim') end) describe('feature test', function() it('ok', function() eq(1, eval('has("python")')) end) end) describe('python_execute', function() it('ok', function() command('python vim.vars["set_by_python"] = [100, 0]') eq({100, 0}, eval('g:set_by_python')) end) end) describe('python_execute with nested commands', function() it('ok', function() command([[python vim.command('python vim.command("python vim.command(\'let set_by_nested_python = 555\')")')]]) eq(555, eval('g:set_by_nested_python')) end) end) describe('python_execute with range', function() it('ok', function() insert([[ line1 line2 line3 line4]]) feed('ggjvj:python vim.vars["range"] = vim.current.range[:]') eq({'line2', 'line3'}, eval('g:range')) end) end) describe('pyfile', function() it('ok', function() local fname = '' local F =, 'w') F:write('vim.command("let set_by_pyfile = 123")') F:close() command('pyfile') eq(123, eval('g:set_by_pyfile')) os.remove(fname) end) end) describe('pydo', function() it('ok', function() -- :pydo 42 returns None for all lines, -- the buffer should not be changed command('normal :pydo 42') eq(0, eval('&mod')) -- insert some text insert('abc\ndef\nghi') expect([[ abc def ghi]]) -- go to top and select and replace the first two lines feed('ggvj:pydo return str(linenr)') expect([[ 1 2 ghi]]) end) end) describe('pyeval', function() it('ok', function() eq({1, 2, {['key'] = 'val'}}, eval([[pyeval('[1, 2, {"key": "val"}]')]])) end) end) end)