local helpers = require('test.functional.helpers') local eval, command, nvim = helpers.eval, helpers.command, helpers.nvim local eq, run, stop = helpers.eq, helpers.run, helpers.stop local clear, feed = helpers.clear, helpers.feed local function get_prefix(sync) if sync then return 'sync' end return 'async' end local function call(fn, args) command('call '..fn..'('..args..')') end local function clear_and_init(init) return function() clear() if init then init() end end end local function runx(sync, handler, on_setup) local function setup_cb(...) on_setup(...) -- need to stop on setup callback because there's two session:request -- calls in `request/helpers.lua`. The second call will always return -- after pending notification/request callbacks are processed stop() end local function handler_cb(...) return handler(...) end if sync then run(handler_cb, nil, setup_cb) else run(nil, handler_cb, setup_cb) end end local function command_specs_for(fn, sync, first_arg_factory, init) local prefix = get_prefix(sync) describe(prefix..' command created by', function() before_each(clear_and_init(init)) describe(fn, function() local args before_each(function() args = first_arg_factory()..', "test-handler", ' if sync then args = args .. '1' else args = args .. '0' end args = args..', "RpcCommand"' end) describe('without options', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {}') local function on_setup() command('RpcCommand') end local function handler(method) eq('test-handler', method) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with nargs', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {"nargs": "*"}') local function on_setup() command('RpcCommand arg1 arg2 arg3') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({'arg1', 'arg2', 'arg3'}, args[1]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with range', function() it('ok', function() call(fn,args..', {"range": ""}') local function on_setup() command('1,1RpcCommand') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({1, 1}, args[1]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with nargs/range', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {"nargs": "1", "range": ""}') local function on_setup() command('1,1RpcCommand arg') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({'arg'}, args[1]) eq({1, 1}, args[2]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with nargs/count', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {"nargs": "1", "range": "5"}') local function on_setup() command('5RpcCommand arg') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({'arg'}, args[1]) eq(5, args[2]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with nargs/count/bang', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {"nargs": "1", "range": "5", "bang": ""}') local function on_setup() command('5RpcCommand! arg') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({'arg'}, args[1]) eq(5, args[2]) eq(1, args[3]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with nargs/count/bang/register', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {"nargs": "1", "range": "5", "bang": "",'.. ' "register": ""}') local function on_setup() command('5RpcCommand! b arg') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({'arg'}, args[1]) eq(5, args[2]) eq(1, args[3]) eq('b', args[4]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with nargs/count/bang/register/eval', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {"nargs": "1", "range": "5", "bang": "",'.. ' "register": "", "eval": "@"}') local function on_setup() command('let @b = "regb"') command('5RpcCommand! b arg') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({'arg'}, args[1]) eq(5, args[2]) eq(1, args[3]) eq('b', args[4]) eq('regb', args[5]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) end) end) end local function autocmd_specs_for(fn, sync, first_arg_factory, init) local prefix = get_prefix(sync) describe(prefix..' autocmd created by', function() before_each(clear_and_init(init)) describe(fn, function() local args before_each(function() args = first_arg_factory()..', "test-handler", ' if sync then args = args .. '1' else args = args .. '0' end args = args..', "BufEnter"' end) describe('without options', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {}') local function on_setup() command('doautocmd BufEnter x.c') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with eval', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..[[, {'eval': 'expand("")'}]]) local function on_setup() command('doautocmd BufEnter x.c') end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq('x.c', args[1]) return '' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) end) end) end local function function_specs_for(fn, sync, first_arg_factory, init) local prefix = get_prefix(sync) describe(prefix..' function created by', function() before_each(clear_and_init(init)) describe(fn, function() local args before_each(function() args = first_arg_factory()..', "test-handler", ' if sync then args = args .. '1' else args = args .. '0' end args = args..', "TestFunction"' end) describe('without options', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..', {}') local function on_setup() if sync then eq('rv', eval('TestFunction(1, "a", ["b", "c"])')) else eq(1, eval('TestFunction(1, "a", ["b", "c"])')) end end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({{1, 'a', {'b', 'c'}}}, args) return 'rv' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) describe('with eval', function() it('ok', function() call(fn, args..[[, {'eval': '2 + 2'}]]) local function on_setup() if sync then eq('rv', eval('TestFunction(1, "a", ["b", "c"])')) else eq(1, eval('TestFunction(1, "a", ["b", "c"])')) end end local function handler(method, args) eq('test-handler', method) eq({{1, 'a', {'b', 'c'}}, 4}, args) return 'rv' end runx(sync, handler, on_setup) end) end) end) end) end local function channel() return nvim('get_api_info')[1] end local function host() return '"busted"' end local function register() eval('remote#host#Register("busted", '..channel()..')') end command_specs_for('remote#define#CommandOnChannel', true, channel) command_specs_for('remote#define#CommandOnChannel', false, channel) command_specs_for('remote#define#CommandOnHost', true, host, register) command_specs_for('remote#define#CommandOnHost', false, host, register) autocmd_specs_for('remote#define#AutocmdOnChannel', true, channel) autocmd_specs_for('remote#define#AutocmdOnChannel', false, channel) autocmd_specs_for('remote#define#AutocmdOnHost', true, host, register) autocmd_specs_for('remote#define#AutocmdOnHost', false, host, register) function_specs_for('remote#define#FunctionOnChannel', true, channel) function_specs_for('remote#define#FunctionOnChannel', false, channel) function_specs_for('remote#define#FunctionOnHost', true, host, register) function_specs_for('remote#define#FunctionOnHost', false, host, register)