local helpers = require('test.unit.helpers') local cimport = helpers.cimport local internalize = helpers.internalize local eq = helpers.eq local neq = helpers.neq local ffi = helpers.ffi local lib = helpers.lib local cstr = helpers.cstr local to_cstr = helpers.to_cstr local NULL = helpers.NULL local OK = helpers.OK local FAIL = helpers.FAIL require('lfs') cimport('string.h') local path = cimport('./src/nvim/path.h') -- import constants parsed by ffi local kEqualFiles = path.kEqualFiles local kDifferentFiles = path.kDifferentFiles local kBothFilesMissing = path.kBothFilesMissing local kOneFileMissing = path.kOneFileMissing local kEqualFileNames = path.kEqualFileNames local len = 0 local buffer = nil describe('path function', function() describe('path_full_dir_name', function() setup(function() lfs.mkdir('unit-test-directory') end) teardown(function() lfs.rmdir('unit-test-directory') end) function path_full_dir_name(directory, buffer, len) directory = to_cstr(directory) return path.path_full_dir_name(directory, buffer, len) end before_each(function() -- Create empty string buffer which will contain the resulting path. len = (string.len(lfs.currentdir())) + 22 buffer = cstr(len, '') end) it('returns the absolute directory name of a given relative one', function() local result = path_full_dir_name('..', buffer, len) eq(OK, result) local old_dir = lfs.currentdir() lfs.chdir('..') local expected = lfs.currentdir() lfs.chdir(old_dir) eq(expected, (ffi.string(buffer))) end) it('returns the current directory name if the given string is empty', function() eq(OK, (path_full_dir_name('', buffer, len))) eq(lfs.currentdir(), (ffi.string(buffer))) end) it('fails if the given directory does not exist', function() eq(FAIL, path_full_dir_name('does_not_exist', buffer, len)) end) it('works with a normal relative dir', function() local result = path_full_dir_name('unit-test-directory', buffer, len) eq(lfs.currentdir() .. '/unit-test-directory', (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(OK, result) end) end) describe('path_full_compare', function() function path_full_compare(s1, s2, cn) s1 = to_cstr(s1) s2 = to_cstr(s2) return path.path_full_compare(s1, s2, cn or 0) end local f1 = 'f1.o' local f2 = 'f2.o' before_each(function() -- create the three files that will be used in this spec io.open(f1, 'w').close() io.open(f2, 'w').close() end) after_each(function() os.remove(f1) os.remove(f2) end) it('returns kEqualFiles when passed the same file', function() eq(kEqualFiles, (path_full_compare(f1, f1))) end) it('returns kEqualFileNames when files that dont exist and have same name', function() eq(kEqualFileNames, (path_full_compare('null.txt', 'null.txt', true))) end) it('returns kBothFilesMissing when files that dont exist', function() eq(kBothFilesMissing, (path_full_compare('null.txt', 'null.txt'))) end) it('returns kDifferentFiles when passed different files', function() eq(kDifferentFiles, (path_full_compare(f1, f2))) eq(kDifferentFiles, (path_full_compare(f2, f1))) end) it('returns kOneFileMissing if only one does not exist', function() eq(kOneFileMissing, (path_full_compare(f1, 'null.txt'))) eq(kOneFileMissing, (path_full_compare('null.txt', f1))) end) end) describe('path_tail', function() function path_tail(file) local res = path.path_tail((to_cstr(file))) neq(NULL, res) return ffi.string(res) end it('returns the tail of a given file path', function() eq('file.txt', path_tail('directory/file.txt')) end) it('returns an empty string if file ends in a slash', function() eq('', path_tail('directory/')) end) end) describe('path_tail_with_sep', function() function path_tail_with_sep(file) local res = path.path_tail_with_sep((to_cstr(file))) neq(NULL, res) return ffi.string(res) end it('returns the tail of a file together with its separator', function() eq('///file.txt', path_tail_with_sep('directory///file.txt')) end) it('returns an empty string when given an empty file name', function() eq('', path_tail_with_sep('')) end) it('returns only the separator if there is a trailing separator', function() eq('/', path_tail_with_sep('some/directory/')) end) it('cuts a leading separator', function() eq('file.txt', path_tail_with_sep('/file.txt')) eq('', path_tail_with_sep('/')) end) it('returns the whole file name if there is no separator', function() eq('file.txt', path_tail_with_sep('file.txt')) end) end) describe('invocation_path_tail', function() -- Returns the path tail and length (out param) of the tail. -- Does not convert the tail from C-pointer to lua string for use with -- strcmp. function invocation_path_tail(invk) local plen = ffi.new('size_t[?]', 1) local ptail = path.invocation_path_tail((to_cstr(invk)), plen) neq(NULL, ptail) -- it does not change the output if len==NULL local tail2 = path.invocation_path_tail((to_cstr(invk)), NULL) neq(NULL, tail2) eq((ffi.string(ptail)), (ffi.string(tail2))) return ptail, plen[0] end -- This test mimics the intended use in C. function compare(base, pinvk, len) return eq(0, (ffi.C.strncmp((to_cstr(base)), pinvk, len))) end it('returns the executable name of an invocation given a relative invocation', function() local invk, len = invocation_path_tail('directory/exe a b c') compare("exe a b c", invk, len) eq(3, len) end) it('returns the executable name of an invocation given an absolute invocation', function() if ffi.os == 'Windows' then local invk, len = invocation_path_tail('C:\\Users\\anyone\\Program Files\\z a b') compare('z a b', invk, len) eq(1, len) else local invk, len = invocation_path_tail('/usr/bin/z a b') compare('z a b', invk, len) eq(1, len) end end) it('does not count arguments to the executable as part of its path', function() local invk, len = invocation_path_tail('exe a/b\\c') compare("exe a/b\\c", invk, len) eq(3, len) end) it('only accepts whitespace as a terminator for the executable name', function() local invk, len = invocation_path_tail('exe-a+b_c[]()|#!@$%^&*') eq('exe-a+b_c[]()|#!@$%^&*', (ffi.string(invk))) end) it('is equivalent to path_tail when args do not contain a path separator', function() local ptail = path.path_tail(to_cstr("a/b/c x y z")) neq(NULL, ptail) local tail = ffi.string(ptail) local invk, len = invocation_path_tail("a/b/c x y z") eq(tail, ffi.string(invk)) end) it('is not equivalent to path_tail when args contain a path separator', function() local ptail = path.path_tail(to_cstr("a/b/c x y/z")) neq(NULL, ptail) local invk, len = invocation_path_tail("a/b/c x y/z") neq((ffi.string(ptail)), (ffi.string(invk))) end) end) describe('path_next_component', function() function path_next_component(file) local res = path.path_next_component((to_cstr(file))) neq(NULL, res) return ffi.string(res) end it('returns', function() eq('directory/file.txt', path_next_component('some/directory/file.txt')) end) it('returns empty string if given file contains no separator', function() eq('', path_next_component('file.txt')) end) end) describe('path_shorten_fname', function() it('returns NULL if `full_path` is NULL', function() local dir = to_cstr('some/directory/file.txt') eq(NULL, (path.path_shorten_fname(NULL, dir))) end) it('returns NULL if the path and dir does not match', function() local dir = to_cstr('not/the/same') local full = to_cstr('as/this.txt') eq(NULL, (path.path_shorten_fname(full, dir))) end) it('returns NULL if the path is not separated properly', function() local dir = to_cstr('some/very/long/') local full = to_cstr('some/very/long/directory/file.txt') eq(NULL, (path.path_shorten_fname(full, dir))) end) it('shortens the filename if `dir_name` is the start of `full_path`', function() local full = to_cstr('some/very/long/directory/file.txt') local dir = to_cstr('some/very/long') eq('directory/file.txt', (ffi.string(path.path_shorten_fname(full, dir)))) end) end) end) describe('path_shorten_fname_if_possible', function() local cwd = lfs.currentdir() before_each(function() lfs.mkdir('ut_directory') end) after_each(function() lfs.chdir(cwd) lfs.rmdir('ut_directory') end) describe('path_shorten_fname_if_possible', function() it('returns shortened path if possible', function() lfs.chdir('ut_directory') local full = to_cstr(lfs.currentdir() .. '/subdir/file.txt') eq('subdir/file.txt', (ffi.string(path.path_shorten_fname_if_possible(full)))) end) it('returns `full_path` if a shorter version is not possible', function() local old = lfs.currentdir() lfs.chdir('ut_directory') local full = old .. '/subdir/file.txt' eq(full, (ffi.string(path.path_shorten_fname_if_possible(to_cstr(full))))) end) it('returns NULL if `full_path` is NULL', function() eq(NULL, (path.path_shorten_fname_if_possible(NULL))) end) end) end) describe('more path function', function() setup(function() lfs.mkdir('unit-test-directory'); io.open('unit-test-directory/test.file', 'w').close() -- Since the tests are executed, they are called by an executable. We use -- that executable for several asserts. absolute_executable = arg[0] -- Split absolute_executable into a directory and the actual file name for -- later usage. directory, executable_name = string.match(absolute_executable, '^(.*)/(.*)$') end) teardown(function() os.remove('unit-test-directory/test.file') lfs.rmdir('unit-test-directory') end) describe('vim_FullName', function() function vim_FullName(filename, buffer, length, force) filename = to_cstr(filename) return path.vim_FullName(filename, buffer, length, force) end before_each(function() -- Create empty string buffer which will contain the resulting path. len = (string.len(lfs.currentdir())) + 33 buffer = cstr(len, '') end) it('fails if given filename is NULL', function() local force_expansion = 1 local result = path.vim_FullName(NULL, buffer, len, force_expansion) eq(FAIL, result) end) it('uses the filename if the filename is a URL', function() local force_expansion = 1 local filename = 'http://www.neovim.org' local result = vim_FullName(filename, buffer, len, force_expansion) eq(filename, (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(OK, result) end) it('fails and uses filename if given filename contains non-existing directory', function() local force_expansion = 1 local filename = 'non_existing_dir/test.file' local result = vim_FullName(filename, buffer, len, force_expansion) eq(filename, (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(FAIL, result) end) it('concatenates given filename if it does not contain a slash', function() local force_expansion = 1 local result = vim_FullName('test.file', buffer, len, force_expansion) local expected = lfs.currentdir() .. '/test.file' eq(expected, (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(OK, result) end) it('concatenates given filename if it is a directory but does not contain a\n slash', function() local force_expansion = 1 local result = vim_FullName('..', buffer, len, force_expansion) local expected = lfs.currentdir() .. '/..' eq(expected, (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(OK, result) end) -- Is it possible for every developer to enter '..' directory while running -- the unit tests? Which other directory would be better? it('enters given directory (instead of just concatenating the strings) if possible and if path contains a slash', function() local force_expansion = 1 local result = vim_FullName('../test.file', buffer, len, force_expansion) local old_dir = lfs.currentdir() lfs.chdir('..') local expected = lfs.currentdir() .. '/test.file' lfs.chdir(old_dir) eq(expected, (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(OK, result) end) it('just copies the path if it is already absolute and force=0', function() local force_expansion = 0 local absolute_path = '/absolute/path' local result = vim_FullName(absolute_path, buffer, len, force_expansion) eq(absolute_path, (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(OK, result) end) it('fails and uses filename when the path is relative to HOME', function() local force_expansion = 1 local absolute_path = '~/home.file' local result = vim_FullName(absolute_path, buffer, len, force_expansion) eq(absolute_path, (ffi.string(buffer))) eq(FAIL, result) end) it('works with some "normal" relative path with directories', function() local force_expansion = 1 local result = vim_FullName('unit-test-directory/test.file', buffer, len, force_expansion) eq(OK, result) eq(lfs.currentdir() .. '/unit-test-directory/test.file', (ffi.string(buffer))) end) it('does not modify the given filename', function() local force_expansion = 1 local filename = to_cstr('unit-test-directory/test.file') -- Don't use the wrapper here but pass a cstring directly to the c -- function. local result = path.vim_FullName(filename, buffer, len, force_expansion) eq(lfs.currentdir() .. '/unit-test-directory/test.file', (ffi.string(buffer))) eq('unit-test-directory/test.file', (ffi.string(filename))) eq(OK, result) end) end) describe('path_fix_case', function() function fix_case(file) c_file = to_cstr(file) path.path_fix_case(c_file) return ffi.string(c_file) end if ffi.os == 'Windows' or ffi.os == 'OSX' then it('Corrects the case of file names in Mac and Windows', function() lfs.mkdir('CamelCase') eq('CamelCase', fix_case('camelcase')) eq('CamelCase', fix_case('cAMELcASE')) lfs.rmdir('CamelCase') end) else it('does nothing on Linux', function() lfs.mkdir('CamelCase') eq('camelcase', fix_case('camelcase')) eq('cAMELcASE', fix_case('cAMELcASE')) lfs.mkdir('CamelCase') end) end end) describe('append_path', function() it('joins given paths with a slash', function() local path1 = cstr(100, 'path1') local to_append = to_cstr('path2') eq(OK, (path.append_path(path1, to_append, 100))) eq("path1/path2", (ffi.string(path1))) end) it('joins given paths without adding an unnecessary slash', function() local path1 = cstr(100, 'path1/') local to_append = to_cstr('path2') eq(OK, path.append_path(path1, to_append, 100)) eq("path1/path2", (ffi.string(path1))) end) it('fails and uses filename if there is not enough space left for to_append', function() local path1 = cstr(11, 'path1/') local to_append = to_cstr('path2') eq(FAIL, (path.append_path(path1, to_append, 11))) end) it('does not append a slash if to_append is empty', function() local path1 = cstr(6, 'path1') local to_append = to_cstr('') eq(OK, (path.append_path(path1, to_append, 6))) eq('path1', (ffi.string(path1))) end) it('does not append unnecessary dots', function() local path1 = cstr(6, 'path1') local to_append = to_cstr('.') eq(OK, (path.append_path(path1, to_append, 6))) eq('path1', (ffi.string(path1))) end) it('copies to_append to path, if path is empty', function() local path1 = cstr(7, '') local to_append = to_cstr('/path2') eq(OK, (path.append_path(path1, to_append, 7))) eq('/path2', (ffi.string(path1))) end) end) describe('path_is_absolute_path', function() function path_is_absolute_path(filename) filename = to_cstr(filename) return path.path_is_absolute_path(filename) end it('returns true if filename starts with a slash', function() eq(OK, path_is_absolute_path('/some/directory/')) end) it('returns true if filename starts with a tilde', function() eq(OK, path_is_absolute_path('~/in/my/home~/directory')) end) it('returns false if filename starts not with slash nor tilde', function() eq(FAIL, path_is_absolute_path('not/in/my/home~/directory')) end) end) end)