-- busted output handler that immediately prints file and test names before -- tests are executed. It simplifies identifying which tests are -- hanging/crashing if package.config:sub(1,1) == '\\' and not os.getenv("ANSICON") then -- Disable colors on Windows. colors = setmetatable({}, {__index = function() return function(s) return s end end}) else colors = require 'term.colors' end return function(options, busted) local handler = require 'busted.outputHandlers.utfTerminal'(options, busted) handler.fileStart = function(name) io.write('\n' .. colors.cyan(name) .. ':') end handler.testStart = function(element, parent, status, debug) io.write('\n ' .. handler.getFullName(element) .. ' ... ') io.flush() end busted.subscribe({ 'file', 'start' }, handler.fileStart) busted.subscribe({ 'test', 'start' }, handler.testStart) return handler end