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# `JetbrainsMono Nerd Font`

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This crate provides an enum of all the glyphs in the `JetbrainsMono Nerd Font`.  
Additionally, it provides a way to load the font, and QOL features for using the font in iced.

In addition - you can hover over the icons in your IDE to see a preview of the icon!

See <https://www.nerdfonts.com/> for more information

**I am not affiliated with Nerd Fonts, nor do I have any rights to the `JetbrainsMono Nerd Font`.**  
This crate is published with a copy of the font, and its license, as allowed by the license.

See [`NerdFont`] or [`categories`] for the list of available icons, including their names, codepoints and a preview image.  


The individual glyphs are in seperate enums inside of the [`categories`] module:
use nerd_font::categories;

let _ = categories::Dev::Android;
let _ = categories::Fa::ArrowLeft;

There is also an enum encapsulating all the glyphs, [`NerdFont`], which can be converted to and from the individual enums:
use nerd_font::{NerdFont, categories::Dev};
let _: NerdFont = Dev::Android.into();


Each glyph contains the following information:
- Unicode codepoint: e.g. `Dev::Android as u32`
- Postfix name: e.g. `Dev::Android.name()`
- Glyph preview image, visible in the documentation, and by hovering over the glyphs in your IDE!

You can also get the actual char from the enum, with `char::from(Dev::Android)`, or `Dev::Android.to_string()`


If you use `iced` there are some QOL features built-in:  
**NOTE: ** you will need to activate the `iced` crate-level feature to use these!

- [`NerdFont::FONT_BYTES`] is the raw bytes of the font, for loading into iced
- [`IcedExt`] provides the helper functions for using the font in iced
- `NerdFont` also implements `Into<iced::Element>`, which will use the default font size

use nerd_font::{IcedExt, categories::Dev};

// A text widget configured to use the icon font, with the selected glyph, and a font size of 24
let text_widget = Dev::Android.into_text(24);

You will additionally need to load the font, by calling `.font(NerdFont::FONT_BYTES)` on your `iced::Application`.

## Crate Features

#### `iced`
Default: Off  
Provides some QOL features for using the font in iced, including a font definition, and conversion to an iced Text widget.

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