# nest_struct
Nest struct and enum definitions with minimal syntax changes in Rust
### Example
use nest_struct::nest_struct;
struct Post {
title: String,
summary: String,
author: nest! {
name: String,
handle: String,
See expanded code
struct Post {
title: String,
summary: String,
author: PostAuthor,
struct PostAuthor {
name: String,
handle: String,
You can also overwrite inner struct name, by passing the name itself as macro instead of `nest!`:
use nest_struct::nest_struct;
struct Post {
title: String,
summary: String,
author: Author! {
name: String,
handle: String,
See expanded code
struct Post {
title: String,
summary: String,
author: Author,
struct Author {
name: String,
handle: String,
Or, you can open a block and define struct like normal Rust code for full flexibility:
use nest_struct::nest_struct;
struct Post {
title: String,
summary: String,
author: nest! {
/// doc comment for Author struct
struct Author {
name: String,
handle: String,
See expanded code
struct Post {
title: String,
summary: String,
author: Author,
/// doc comment for Author struct
struct Author {
name: String,
handle: String,
Another example calling Pokemon API
use nest_struct::nest_struct;
// Define a struct with nested struct definitions all in one place
// with minimal syntax changes.
struct APIResponse {
id: u32,
name: String,
abilities: Vec,
let body = reqwest::blocking::get("https://pokeapi.co/api/v2/pokemon/ditto").unwrap().text().unwrap();
let api_response: APIResponse = serde_json::from_str(&body).unwrap();
assert_eq!(api_response.name, "ditto");
// Access nested struct fields
assert_eq!(api_response.abilities.first().unwrap().ability.name, "limber");
For more examples, see the [`./tests/cases`](https://github.com/ZibanPirate/nest_struct/tree/main/tests/cases) directory.
### Features
- [x] deep nesting (no theoretical limit).
- [x] nest `struct` inside another `struct`.
- [x] nest `enum` inside another `enum`.
- [x] nest `enum` inside a `struct` and vice-versa.
- [x] inherit `derive` and other attribute macros from root `struct`.
- [x] auto-generate inner `struct` names.
- [x] overwrite the auto-generated inner struct name.
Feature parity with native Rust code:
- [x] `impl` block on inner `struct`s.
- [x] define `derive` and other attribute macros individually per inner `struct`.
- [x] define doc comments individually per inner `struct`.
- [ ] useful compiler error messages.
- [x] support generic types.
- [x] support lifetimes.
## Contributing
Contributions are welcome, please read [`CONTRIBUTING.md`](https://github.com/ZibanPirate/nest_struct/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md) to get started.
## License
Licensed under MIT (twitter: [@zibanpirate](https://twitter.com/zibanpirate)).