#!/usr/bin/env bats -*- bats -*- # # bridge firewalld iptables driver tests # load helpers fw_driver=firewalld function setup() { basic_setup setup_firewalld } @test "check firewalld driver is in use" { skip "TODO: Firewalld driver swapped with iptables until firewalld 1.1.0" RUST_LOG=netavark=info run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/simplebridge.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) assert "${lines[0]}" "==" "[INFO netavark::firewall] Using firewalld firewall driver" "firewalld driver is in use" } @test "$fw_driver - simple bridge" { run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/simplebridge.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) result="$output" assert_json "$result" 'has("podman")' == "true" "object key exists" mac=$(jq -r '.podman.interfaces.eth0.mac_address' <<<"$result") # check that interface exists run_in_container_netns ip -j --details link show eth0 link_info="$output" assert_json "$link_info" ".[].address" == "$mac" "MAC matches container mac" assert_json "$link_info" '.[].flags[] | select(.=="UP")' == "UP" "Container interface is up" assert_json "$link_info" ".[].linkinfo.info_kind" == "veth" "Container interface is a veth device" ipaddr="" run_in_container_netns ip addr show eth0 assert "$output" =~ "$ipaddr" "IP address matches container address" assert_json "$result" ".podman.interfaces.eth0.subnets[0].ipnet" == "$ipaddr" "Result contains correct IP address" run_in_host_netns ip -j --details link show podman0 link_info="$output" assert_json "$link_info" '.[].flags[] | select(.=="UP")' == "UP" "Host bridge interface is up" assert_json "$link_info" ".[].linkinfo.info_kind" == "bridge" "The bridge interface is actually a bridge" ipaddr="" run_in_host_netns ip addr show podman0 assert "$output" =~ "$ipaddr" "IP address matches bridge gateway address" assert_json "$result" ".podman.interfaces.eth0.subnets[0].gateway" == "$ipaddr" "Result contains gateway address" # check that the loopback adapter is up run_in_container_netns ip addr show lo assert "$output" =~ "" "Loopback adapter is up (has address)" # TODO check firewall # run_in_host_netns firewall-cmd ... } @test "$fw_driver - bridge with static routes" { # add second interface and routes through that interface to test proper teardown run_in_container_netns ip link add type dummy run_in_container_netns ip a add dev dummy0 run_in_container_netns ip link set dummy0 up run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/bridge-staticroutes.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) # check static routes run_in_container_netns ip r assert "$output" "=~" " via" "static route not set" assert "$output" "=~" " via" "static route not set" assert "$output" "=~" " via" "static route not set" run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/bridge-staticroutes.json teardown $(get_container_netns_path) # check static routes get removed assert "$output" "!~" " via" "static route not set" assert "$output" "!~" " via" "static route not set" assert "$output" "!~" " via" "static route not removed" } @test "$fw_driver - bridge with no default route" { run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/bridge-nodefaultroute.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) run_in_container_netns ip r assert "$output" "!~" "default" "default route exists" run_in_container_netns ip -6 r assert "$output" "!~" "default" "default route exists" run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/bridge-nodefaultroute.json teardown $(get_container_netns_path) assert "" "no errors" } @test "$fw_driver - ipv6 bridge" { ### FIXME set sysctl in netavark run_in_host_netns sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_dad" #run_in_container_netns sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_dad" # run_in_host_netns sh -c "echo 0 > /proc/sys/net/ipv6/conf/default/accept_ra" run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/ipv6-bridge.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) result="$output" assert_json "$result" 'has("podman1")' == "true" "object key exists" mac=$(jq -r '.podman1.interfaces.eth0.mac_address' <<<"$result") # check that interface exists run_in_container_netns ip -j --details link show eth0 link_info="$output" assert_json "$link_info" ".[].address" == "$mac" "MAC matches container mac" assert_json "$link_info" '.[].flags[] | select(.=="UP")' == "UP" "Container interface is up" assert_json "$link_info" ".[].linkinfo.info_kind" == "veth" "Container interface is a veth device" ipaddr="fd10:88:a::2/64" run_in_container_netns ip addr show eth0 assert "$output" =~ "$ipaddr" "IP address matches container address" assert_json "$result" ".podman1.interfaces.eth0.subnets[0].ipnet" == "$ipaddr" "Result contains correct IP address" run_in_host_netns ip -j --details link show podman1 link_info="$output" assert_json "$link_info" '.[].flags[] | select(.=="UP")' == "UP" "Host bridge interface is up" assert_json "$link_info" ".[].linkinfo.info_kind" == "bridge" "The bridge interface is actually a bridge" ipaddr="fd10:88:a::1" run_in_host_netns ip addr show podman1 assert "$output" =~ "$ipaddr" "IP address matches bridge gateway address" assert_json "$result" ".podman1.interfaces.eth0.subnets[0].gateway" == "$ipaddr" "Result contains gateway address" # check that the loopback adapter is up run_in_container_netns ip addr show lo assert "$output" =~ "" "Loopback adapter is up (has address)" run_in_host_netns ping6 -c 1 fd10:88:a::2 } @test "$fw_driver - ipv6 bridge with static routes" { # add second interface and routes through that interface to test proper teardown run_in_container_netns ip link add type dummy run_in_container_netns ip a add fd10:49:b::2/64 dev dummy0 run_in_container_netns ip link set dummy0 up run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/ipv6-bridge-staticroutes.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) # check static routes run_in_container_netns ip -6 -br r assert "$output" "=~" "fd10:89:b::/64 via fd10:88:a::ac02" "static route not set" assert "$output" "=~" "fd10:89:c::/64 via fd10:88:a::ac03" "static route not set" assert "$output" "=~" "fd10:51:b::/64 via fd10:49:b::30" "static route not set" run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/ipv6-bridge-staticroutes.json teardown $(get_container_netns_path) # check static routes get removed run_in_container_netns ip -6 -br r assert "$output" "!~" "fd10:89:b::/64 via fd10:88:a::ac02" "static route not removed" assert "$output" "!~" "fd10:89:c::/64 via fd10:88:a::ac03" "static route not removed" assert "$output" "!~" "fd10:51:b::/64 via fd10:49:b::30" "static route not removed" run_in_container_netns ip link delete dummy0 } @test "$fw_driver - dual stack dns with alt port" { skip "FIXME (#846): firewalld 2.0 broken port redirect" # get a random port directly to avoid low ports e.g. 53 would not create iptables dns_port=$((RANDOM+10000)) NETAVARK_FW=firewalld NETAVARK_DNS_PORT="$dns_port" \ run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/dualstack-bridge.json \ setup $(get_container_netns_path) # check iptables # firewall-cmd --list-rich-rules does not guarantee order, use sort run_in_host_netns sh -c 'firewall-cmd --policy netavark_portfwd --list-rich-rules | sort' assert "${lines[0]}" =~ "rule family=\"ipv4\" destination address=\"\" forward-port port=\"53\" protocol=\"udp\" to-port=\"$dns_port\" to-addr=\"\"" "ipv4 dns redirection" assert "${lines[1]}" =~ "rule family=\"ipv6\" destination address=\"fd10:88:a::1\" forward-port port=\"53\" protocol=\"udp\" to-port=\"$dns_port\" to-addr=\"fd10:88:a::1\"" "ipv6 dns redirection" assert "${#lines[@]}" = 2 "too many rich rules" # check aardvark config and running run_helper cat "$NETAVARK_TMPDIR/config/aardvark-dns/podman1" assert "${lines[0]}" =~ ",fd10:88:a::1" "aardvark set to listen to all IPs" assert "${lines[1]}" =~ "^[0-9a-f]{64} fd10:88:a::2 somename$" "aardvark config's container" assert "${#lines[@]}" = 2 "too many lines in aardvark config" aardvark_pid=$(cat "$NETAVARK_TMPDIR/config/aardvark-dns/aardvark.pid") assert "$ardvark_pid" =~ "[0-9]*" "aardvark pid not found" run_helper ps "$aardvark_pid" assert "${lines[1]}" =~ ".*aardvark-dns --config $NETAVARK_TMPDIR/config/aardvark-dns -p $dns_port run" "aardvark not running or bad options" # test redirection actually works run_in_container_netns dig +short "somename.dns.podman" @ A "somename.dns.podman" @ AAAA assert "${lines[0]}" =~ "" "ipv4 dns resolution works 1/2" assert "${lines[1]}" =~ "fd10:88:a::2" "ipv6 dns resolution works 2/2" run_in_container_netns dig +short "somename.dns.podman" @fd10:88:a::1 assert "${lines[0]}" =~ "" "ipv6 dns resolution works" NETAVARK_FW=firewalld NETAVARK_DNS_PORT="$dns_port" \ run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/dualstack-bridge.json \ teardown $(get_container_netns_path) # check iptables got removed run_in_host_netns firewall-cmd --policy netavark_portfwd --list-rich-rules assert "${#lines[@]}" = 0 "rich rules did not get removed on teardown" # check aardvark config got cleared, process killed expected_rc=2 run_helper ls "$NETAVARK_TMPDIR/config/aardvark-dns/podman1" expected_rc=1 run_helper ps "$aardvark_pid" } @test "$fw_driver - check error message from netns thread" { # create interface in netns to force error run_in_container_netns ip link add eth0 type dummy expected_rc=1 run_netavark --file ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/simplebridge.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) assert_json ".error" "create veth pair: interface eth0 already exists on container namespace: Netlink error: File exists (os error 17)" "interface exists on netns" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding ipv4 - tcp" { test_port_fw } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding ipv6 - tcp" { test_port_fw ip=6 } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding dualstack - tcp" { test_port_fw ip=dual } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding ipv4 - udp" { test_port_fw proto=udp } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding ipv6 - udp" { test_port_fw ip=6 proto=udp } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding dualstack - udp" { test_port_fw ip=dual proto=udp } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding ipv4 - sctp" { setup_sctp_kernel_module test_port_fw proto=sctp } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding ipv6 - sctp" { setup_sctp_kernel_module test_port_fw ip=6 proto=sctp } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding dualstack - sctp" { setup_sctp_kernel_module test_port_fw ip=dual proto=sctp } @test "$fw_driver - port range forwarding ipv4 - tcp" { test_port_fw range=3 } @test "$fw_driver - port range forwarding ipv6 - tcp" { test_port_fw ip=6 range=3 } @test "$fw_driver - port range forwarding ipv4 - udp" { test_port_fw proto=udp range=3 } @test "$fw_driver - port range forwarding ipv6 - udp" { test_port_fw ip=6 proto=udp range=3 } @test "$fw_driver - port range forwarding dual - udp" { test_port_fw ip=dual proto=udp range=3 } @test "$fw_driver - port range forwarding dual - tcp" { test_port_fw ip=dual proto=tcp range=3 } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with hostip ipv4 - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "" test_port_fw hostip="" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with hostip ipv4 dual stack - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "" test_port_fw ip=dual hostip="" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with hostip ipv6 - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1/64" test_port_fw ip=6 hostip="fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with hostip ipv6 dual stack - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1/64" test_port_fw ip=dual hostip="fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with hostip ipv4 - udp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "" test_port_fw proto=udp hostip="" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with hostip ipv6 - udp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1/64" test_port_fw ip=6 proto=udp hostip="fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with wildcard hostip ipv4 - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "" test_port_fw hostip="" connectip="" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with wildcard hostip ipv4 dual stack - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "" test_port_fw ip=dual hostip="" connectip="" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with wildcard hostip ipv6 - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1/64" test_port_fw ip=6 hostip="::" connectip="fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1" } @test "$fw_driver - port forwarding with wildcard hostip ipv6 dual stack - tcp" { add_dummy_interface_on_host dummy0 "fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1/64" test_port_fw ip=dual hostip="::" connectip="fd65:8371:648b:0c06::1" } @test "netavark error - invalid host_ip in port mappings" { expected_rc=1 run_netavark -f ${TESTSDIR}/testfiles/invalid-port.json setup $(get_container_netns_path) assert_json ".error" "invalid host ip \"abcd\" provided for port 8080" "host ip error" }