[package] authors = ["Hugo Cuenca <hugo.cuenca.arana@gmail.com>", "Corentin Henry <corentinhenry@gmail.com>"] name = "netlink-sys-mio-0-8" version = "0.8.3" edition = "2018" homepage = "https://github.com/hugo-cuenca/netlink" keywords = ["netlink", "ip", "linux"] license = "MIT" readme = "../README.md" repository = "https://github.com/hugo-cuenca/netlink" description = "netlink sockets, with optional integration with tokio (updated for mio 0.8)" [dependencies] bytes = "1.0" libc = "0.2.66" log = "0.4.8" [dependencies.futures] optional = true version = "0.3.1" [dependencies.tokio] optional = true version = "1.0.1" default-features = false # We only depend on tokio for PollEvented features = ["net"] [dependencies.mio] optional = true version = "0.8" features = ["os-poll", "os-ext"] [dependencies.async-io] optional = true version = "1.3" [features] default = [] mio_socket = ["mio"] tokio_socket = ["tokio", "futures"] smol_socket = ["async-io","futures"] [dev-dependencies] netlink-packet-audit = "0.4" [dev-dependencies.tokio] version = "1.0.1" default-features = false # We only depend on tokio for PollEvented features = ["net", "macros", "rt-multi-thread"] [dev-dependencies.async-std] version = "1.9.0" features = ["attributes"] [[example]] name = "audit_events" [[example]] name = "audit_events_tokio" required-features = ["tokio_socket"] [[example]] name = "audit_events_tokio_manual_thread_builder" required-features = ["tokio_socket"] [[example]] name = "audit_events_async_std" required-features = ["smol_socket"]