use std::net::{IpAddr, SocketAddr}; use futures::{SinkExt, StreamExt}; use netstack_smoltcp::{StackBuilder, TcpListener, UdpSocket}; use structopt::StructOpt; use tokio::net::{TcpSocket, TcpStream}; use tracing::{error, info, warn}; // to run this example, you should set the policy routing **after the start of the main program** // // linux: // with bind device: // `curl --interface utun8` // with default route: // `bash scripts/ add` // `curl` // with single route: // `ip rule add to table 200` // `ip route add default dev utun8 table 200` // `curl` // // macos: // with default route: // `bash scripts/ add` // `curl` // // windows: // with default route: // tun2 set default route automatically, won't set agian // # `powershell.exe scripts/route-windows.ps1 add` // `curl` // // currently, the example only supports the TCP stream, and the UDP packet will be dropped. #[derive(Debug, StructOpt)] #[structopt(name = "forward", about = "Simply forward tun tcp/udp traffic.")] struct Opt { /// Default binding interface, default by guessed. /// Specify but doesn't exist, no device is bound. #[structopt(short = "i", long = "interface")] interface: String, /// Tracing subscriber log level. #[structopt(long = "log-level", default_value = "debug")] log_level: tracing::Level, /// Tokio current-thread runtime, default to multi-thread. #[structopt(long = "current-thread")] current_thread: bool, /// Tokio task spawn_local, default to spwan. #[structopt(long = "local-task")] local_task: bool, } fn main() { let opt = Opt::from_args(); let rt = if opt.current_thread { tokio::runtime::Builder::new_current_thread() } else { tokio::runtime::Builder::new_multi_thread() } .enable_all() .build() .unwrap(); rt.block_on(main_exec(opt)); } async fn main_exec(opt: Opt) { macro_rules! tokio_spawn { ($fut: expr) => { if opt.local_task { tokio::task::spawn_local($fut) } else { tokio::task::spawn($fut) } }; } tracing::subscriber::set_global_default( tracing_subscriber::FmtSubscriber::builder() .with_max_level(opt.log_level) .finish(), ) .unwrap(); let mut cfg = tun::Configuration::default(); cfg.layer(tun::Layer::L3); let fd = -1; if fd >= 0 { cfg.raw_fd(fd); } else { cfg.tun_name("utun8") .address("") .destination("") .mtu(tun::DEFAULT_MTU); #[cfg(not(any(target_arch = "mips", target_arch = "mips64",)))] { cfg.netmask(""); } cfg.up(); } let device = tun::create_as_async(&cfg).unwrap(); let mut builder = StackBuilder::default() .enable_tcp(true) .enable_udp(true) .enable_icmp(true); if let Some(device_broadcast) = get_device_broadcast(&device) { builder = builder // .add_ip_filter(Box::new(move |src, dst| *src != device_broadcast && *dst != device_broadcast)); .add_ip_filter_fn(move |src, dst| *src != device_broadcast && *dst != device_broadcast); } let (stack, runner, udp_socket, tcp_listener) =; let udp_socket = udp_socket.unwrap(); // udp enabled let tcp_listener = tcp_listener.unwrap(); // tcp enabled or icmp enabled if let Some(runner) = runner { tokio_spawn!(runner); } let framed = device.into_framed(); let (mut tun_sink, mut tun_stream) = framed.split(); let (mut stack_sink, mut stack_stream) = stack.split(); let mut futs = vec![]; // Reads packet from stack and sends to TUN. futs.push(tokio_spawn!(async move { while let Some(pkt) = { if let Ok(pkt) = pkt { match tun_sink.send(pkt).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => warn!("failed to send packet to TUN, err: {:?}", e), } } } })); // Reads packet from TUN and sends to stack. futs.push(tokio_spawn!(async move { while let Some(pkt) = { if let Ok(pkt) = pkt { match stack_sink.send(pkt).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => warn!("failed to send packet to stack, err: {:?}", e), }; } } })); // Extracts TCP connections from stack and sends them to the dispatcher. futs.push(tokio_spawn!({ let interface = opt.interface.clone(); async move { handle_inbound_stream(tcp_listener, interface).await; } })); // Receive and send UDP packets between netstack and NAT manager. The NAT // manager would maintain UDP sessions and send them to the dispatcher. futs.push(tokio_spawn!(async move { handle_inbound_datagram(udp_socket, opt.interface).await; })); futures::future::join_all(futs) .await .iter() .for_each(|res| { if let Err(e) = res { error!("error: {:?}", e); } }); } /// simply forward tcp stream async fn handle_inbound_stream(mut tcp_listener: TcpListener, interface: String) { while let Some((mut stream, local, remote)) = { let interface = interface.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { info!("new tcp connection: {:?} => {:?}", local, remote); match new_tcp_stream(remote, &interface).await { Ok(mut remote_stream) => { // pipe between two tcp stream match tokio::io::copy_bidirectional(&mut stream, &mut remote_stream).await { Ok(_) => {} Err(e) => warn!( "failed to copy tcp stream {:?}=>{:?}, err: {:?}", local, remote, e ), } } Err(e) => warn!( "failed to new tcp stream {:?}=>{:?}, err: {:?}", local, remote, e ), } }); } } /// simply forward udp datagram async fn handle_inbound_datagram(udp_socket: UdpSocket, interface: String) { let (tx, mut rx) = tokio::sync::mpsc::unbounded_channel(); let (mut read_half, mut write_half) = udp_socket.split(); tokio::spawn(async move { while let Some((data, local, remote)) = rx.recv().await { let _ = write_half.send((data, remote, local)).await; } }); while let Some((data, local, remote)) = { let tx = tx.clone(); let interface = interface.clone(); tokio::spawn(async move { info!("new udp datagram: {:?} => {:?}", local, remote); match new_udp_packet(remote, &interface).await { Ok(remote_socket) => { // pipe between two udp sockets let _ = remote_socket.send(&data).await; loop { let mut buf = vec![0; 1024]; match remote_socket.recv_from(&mut buf).await { Ok((len, _)) => { let _ = tx.send((buf[..len].to_vec(), local, remote)); } Err(e) => { warn!( "failed to recv udp datagram {:?}<->{:?}: {:?}", local, remote, e ); break; } } } } Err(e) => warn!( "failed to new udp socket {:?}=>{:?}, err: {:?}", local, remote, e ), } }); } } async fn new_tcp_stream<'a>(addr: SocketAddr, iface: &str) -> std::io::Result { use socket2_ext::{AddressBinding, BindDeviceOption}; let socket = socket2::Socket::new(socket2::Domain::IPV4, socket2::Type::STREAM, None)?; socket.bind_to_device(BindDeviceOption::v4(iface))?; socket.set_keepalive(true)?; socket.set_nodelay(true)?; socket.set_nonblocking(true)?; let stream = TcpSocket::from_std_stream(socket.into()) .connect(addr) .await?; Ok(stream) } async fn new_udp_packet(addr: SocketAddr, iface: &str) -> std::io::Result { use socket2_ext::{AddressBinding, BindDeviceOption}; let socket = socket2::Socket::new(socket2::Domain::IPV4, socket2::Type::DGRAM, None)?; socket.bind_to_device(BindDeviceOption::v4(iface))?; socket.set_nonblocking(true)?; let socket = tokio::net::UdpSocket::from_std(socket.into()); if let Ok(ref socket) = socket { socket.connect(addr).await?; } socket } fn get_device_broadcast(device: &tun::AsyncDevice) -> Option { use tun::AbstractDevice; let mtu = device.as_ref().mtu().unwrap_or(tun::DEFAULT_MTU); let address = match device.as_ref().address() { Ok(a) => match a { IpAddr::V4(v4) => v4, IpAddr::V6(_) => return None, }, Err(_) => return None, }; let netmask = match device.as_ref().netmask() { Ok(n) => match n { IpAddr::V4(v4) => v4, IpAddr::V6(_) => return None, }, Err(_) => return None, }; match smoltcp::wire::Ipv4Cidr::from_netmask(address.into(), netmask.into()) { Ok(address_net) => match address_net.broadcast() { Some(broadcast) => { info!( "tun device network: {} (address: {}, netmask: {}, broadcast: {}, mtu: {})", address_net, address, netmask, broadcast, mtu, ); Some(broadcast.into()) } None => { error!("invalid tun address {}, netmask {}", address, netmask); None } }, Err(err) => { error!( "invalid tun address {}, netmask {}, error: {}", address, netmask, err ); None } } }