# netviewr
## Overview
The `netviewr` package offers a set of operators and functions that make
working with data-driven plots of `igraph` objects more pleasant by:
- decorating graph objects with user data
- translating data into graph attributes
- plotting decorated graphs smoothly
`Netviewr` is built with its original application in mind, which is the visualization of genetic population structure and associated meta data from genome-wide single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) for both eukaryotic and prokaryotic species. While it is not a suitable package for __determining__ population structure, it can be used to effectively __visualize__ data (traits, phenotypes, genotypes...) across population structures; it should be used in conjunction with other statistically more sophisticated tools like DAPC or Admixture.
> Netviewr implements the same tasks and methods as the published version of NetView - except in modern R. If the new syntax feels weird, you can use all functions in base syntax, or if you need backward compatibility, the [old version](https://github.com/esteinig/netview/blob/master/README_OLD.md) is still accessible.
## Citation
If you are using `netviewr` for research applications, for now please cite:
> Steinig et al. (2016) - Netview P: a network visualization tool to unravel complex population structure using genome‐wide SNPs - Molecular Ecology Resources 16 (1), 216-227
If you have trouble accessing the paper, have a look in the [documentation](docs/) folder.
## Table of contents
- [Install](#install)
- [Population genomics](docs/POPGENOM.md#population-genomics)
- [Population graphs](docs/POPGENOM.md#population-graphs)
- [Community detection](docs/POPGENOM.md#community-detection)
- [K-selection plots](docs/POPGENOM.md#k-selection-plots)
- [Admixture plots](docs/POPGENOM.md#admixture-plots)
- [Graph visualization](docs/GRAPHVIZ.md#general-graph)
- [Graph decorators](docs/GRAPHVIZ.md#graph-decorators)
- [Decorator pipelines](docs/GRAPHVIZ.md#decorator-pipelines)
- [Netview plots](docs/GRAPHVIZ.md#netview-plots)
- [Decorator functions](docs/DECFUNC.md#decorator-functions)
- [Node decorators](docs/DECFUNC.md#node-decorators)
- [Special decorators](docs/DECFUNC.md#special-decorators)
- [Custom decorators](docs/DECFUNC.md#custom-decorators)
- [Contributions](#contributions)
## Install
``` r
# Install netviewr (not on CRAN yet)
# install.packages("netviewr")
# Development version from GitHub:
# install.packages("devtools")
## Population graph example
Build and plot a mutual k-nearest-neighbor graph from a (genetic) distance matrix.
matrix(rnorm(900), nrow=30) %>% netviewr::netview(k=20) %>% netviewr::plot_netview()
Base syntax is also supported.
dist_matrix <- matrix(rnorm(900), nrow=30)
g <- netviewr::netview(dist_matrix, k=20)
## General graph example
Annotate a graph with data and plot the graph.
node_data <- tibble::tibble(x=letters[1:10], y=1:10) # generate 10 x 2 node data tibble
g <- igraph::sample_gnm(n=10, m=15) %@% # generate random graph with 10 nodes
node_data %@% # decorate graph with node data tibble
node_color(data='x', palette='BuGn') %@% # decorate nodes with colors paletted by x
node_size(data='y', min=5, max=8) # decorate nodes with values rescaled by y
g %>% plot_netview() # plot decorated graph from magrittr pipe
## Plot examples
## Contributions
We welcome any and all suggestions or pull requests. Please feel free to open an issue in the repository on `GitHub`.