#!/bin/bash RETURNCODE=0 echo -e "We will execute a number of check intended to improve code quality." echo -e "Typically violations can be automatically fixed by executing:" echo -e "./check_code.sh -w" echo -e "\e[31m\e[1mWhile we're trying to be careful ALWAYS keep a copy of the original around!\e[39m\e[0m" echo for check in ValidateYAML.py CppIndentation.py CppClangFormat.py CppIncludeGuards.py; do echo -e "\e[32m=== Execute $check ===\e[39m" if extrafiles/tooling/$check $@ ; then echo -e "\e[32mOK.\e[39m" else echo -e "\e[31mERROR.\e[39m" RETURNCODE=1 fi echo done exit $RETURNCODE