use neure::err::Error; use neure::prelude::*; use std::{cell::RefCell, process::exit}; fn main() -> Result<(), Box> { tracing_subscriber::fmt::fmt() .with_env_filter(tracing_subscriber::EnvFilter::from_default_env()) .init(); // png reference if let Some(file) = std::env::args().nth(1) { let head: &[u8] = &[137, 80, 78, 71, 13, 10, 26, 10]; let bytes = std::fs::read(file)?; let as_u32 = |dat: &[u8]| { assert_eq!(dat.len(), 4); Ok(u32::from_be_bytes([dat[0], dat[1], dat[2], dat[3]])) }; let as_u8 = |dat: &[u8]| { assert_eq!(dat.len(), 1); char::from_u32(u8::from_be_bytes([dat[0]]) as u32).ok_or(Error::Other) }; let uint32 = re::consume(4).map(as_u32); let uint8 = re::consume(1).map(as_u8); let mut ctx = RegexCtx::new(bytes.as_slice()); if ctx.ctor(&head).is_ok() { println!("Matching the head, the file seems like a png file"); } else { println!("Not a png file"); exit(1) } for idx in 0.. { if let Ok(length) = ctx.ctor(&uint32) { let crc_beg = ctx.offset(); let ancillary = ctx.ctor(&uint8)?; let private = ctx.ctor(&uint8)?; let reserved = ctx.ctor(&uint8)?; let safe_copy = ctx.ctor(&uint8)?; println!( "In trunk {idx}: ancillary = `{}`, bit 5 = {}: {}", ancillary, if ancillary.is_uppercase() { 0 } else { 1 }, if ancillary.is_uppercase() { "critical" } else { "ancillary" } ); println!( "In trunk {idx}: private = `{}`, bit 5 = {}: {}", private, if private.is_uppercase() { 0 } else { 1 }, if private.is_uppercase() { "public" } else { "private" } ); println!( "In trunk {idx}: reserved = `{}`, bit 5 = {}", reserved, if reserved.is_uppercase() { 0 } else { 1 }, ); println!( "In trunk {idx}: safe_copy = `{}`, bit 5 = {}: {}", safe_copy, if safe_copy.is_uppercase() { 0 } else { 1 }, if safe_copy.is_uppercase() { "unsafe to copy" } else { "safe to copy" } ); let data = re::consume(length as usize); println!("In trunk {idx}: data length = {length}"); println!("skip data length = {}", ctx.ctor(&data)?.len()); let crc_data = ctx.orig_sub(crc_beg, ctx.offset() - crc_beg)?; let crc_value = ctx.ctor(&uint32)?; println!( "Checking the crc value = {}", crc_value == calc_crc(crc_data) ); } else { break; } } } Ok(()) } thread_local! { static CRC_TABLE: RefCell> = const { RefCell::new(None) }; } pub fn initialize_crc_table() { CRC_TABLE .try_with(|table| { let mut table = table.borrow_mut(); if table.is_none() { *table = Some({ let mut table: [u32; 256] = [0; 256]; for n in 0..256 { let mut c = n; for _ in 0..8 { if c & 1 == 1 { c = 0xedb88320u32 ^ (c >> 1); } else { c >>= 1; } } table[n as usize] = c; } table }) } }) .unwrap() } // from pub fn calc_crc(buff: &[u8]) -> u32 { let mut c = 0xffffffffu32; initialize_crc_table(); CRC_TABLE .try_with(|table| { let table = table.borrow(); if let Some(table) = *table { for n in 0..buff.len() { c = table[((c ^ (buff[n] as u32)) & 0xff) as usize] ^ (c >> 8); } } }) .unwrap(); c ^ 0xffffffffu32 }