use neure::prelude::*; #[test] fn into() { assert!(into_impl().is_ok()); } fn into_impl() -> color_eyre::Result<()> { color_eyre::install()?; #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub enum Ty<'a> { Layer0(&'a str), Layer1(&'a str, &'a str), Layer2(&'a str, &'a str, &'a str), } #[derive(Debug, Clone, PartialEq, Eq)] pub struct Field<'a> { ident: &'a str, ty_name: Ty<'a>, public: bool, } impl<'a> Field<'a> { pub fn private(ident: &'a str, ty_name: Ty<'a>) -> Self { Self { ident, ty_name, public: false, } } pub fn public(name: &'a str, ty_name: Ty<'a>) -> Self { Self { ident: name, ty_name, public: true, } } } let unit = neu::ascii_alphabetic() .or(neu::ascii_alphanumeric()) .or('_'); let ident = unit.repeat_one_more(); let ty = neu::ascii_alphabetic() .or('_') .repeat_one() .then(ident) .pat(); let layer0 =|ty| Ok(Ty::Layer0(ty))); let layer1 = ty .then(ty.quote("<", ">")) .into_dyn_rc() // Add into_dyn_* reduce the trait solve time .map(|(w, ty)| Ok(Ty::Layer1(w, ty))); let layer2 = ty .then(ty.then(ty.quote("<", ">")).quote("<", ">")) .into_dyn_rc() // Add into_dyn_* reduce the trait solve time .map(|(w1, (w2, ty))| Ok(Ty::Layer2(w1, w2, ty))); let field = ident.sep_once(":", layer2.or(layer1.or(layer0))); let public = field .clone() .padded("pub") .map(|(name, ty_name)| Ok(Field::public(name, ty_name))); let private =|(name, ty_name)| Ok(Field::private(name, ty_name))); let parser = public.or(private).sep(","); let space = neu::whitespace().repeat_full(); let fields = CharsCtx::new("a: i64, b: Option, pub c: bool") .ignore(space) .ctor(&parser)?; assert_eq!( fields, vec![ Field { ident: "a", ty_name: Ty::Layer0("i64"), public: false }, Field { ident: "b", ty_name: Ty::Layer1("Option", "String"), public: false }, Field { ident: "c", ty_name: Ty::Layer0("bool"), public: true } ] ); Ok(()) }