:_newdoc-version: 2.18.2 :_template-generated: 2024-06-05 :_mod-docs-content-type: PROCEDURE [id="updating-newdoc_{context}"] = Updating newdoc You can update `newdoc` with the package manager that you used to install it. .Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS To update `newdoc` that is installed from RPM on Fedora, RHEL, or CentOS, use the DNF package manager: . Make sure that you are using a supported release of your Linux distribution. The Copr repository does not publish `newdoc` packages for unsupported distribution releases. . Refresh repository metadata and update the package: + ---- # dnf --refresh upgrade newdoc ---- .openSUSE To update `newdoc` installed on openSUSE: . Make sure that you are using a supported release of your Linux distribution. The Copr repository does not publish `newdoc` packages for unsupported distribution releases. . Refresh repository metadata: + ---- # zypper refresh ---- . Update the package: + ---- # zypper update newdoc ---- .macOS To update `newdoc` installed on macOS using **Homebrew**: . Update the repository metadata: + ---- $ brew update ---- . Update `newdoc`: + ---- $ brew upgrade newdoc ---- .Container To update the `newdoc` container, use Docker or Podman. On Fedora, RHEL, and CentOS, replace `docker` with `podman` in the following command: ---- $ docker pull quay.io/redhat-documentation/newdoc ---- .From source on any platform To update `newdoc` from source, use the `cargo` package manager: . Update the Rust toolchain: + ---- $ rustup update ---- . Update `newdoc`: + ---- $ cargo install newdoc ----