# News A nice, fast, confortable terminal CLI to check developer news ## [🛠] Features * 🚀 Support for Linux, Windows and Mac * 📺 Open youtube if resource of new is a video * 📘 Markdown like way to watch news in terminal * 🌎 open browser instead of terminal * 🧠 Ia summary of a new * 🔎 Search across news list ## [📦] Installation ### With Cargo ```bash cargo install news_cli # news --help ``` ### Macos and Linux ```bash curl -fsSL https://news-cli.deno.dev/bin/install.sh | sh ``` ### Windows ```pwsh iwr https://news-cli.deno.dev/bin/install.ps1 | iex ``` #### Todo * [x] Add news of JavaScript * [x] Add news of Python * [x] Add news of Go * [x] Add news of Rust * [x] Add news of C++ * [x] Add news of Php