# Nextup keep your barrier to starting development sessions under control by tracking the next action to take on a maximum of 3 active projects [📑 Usage](#usage)   [🛠️ Install](#installation)   [📜 License](#license)
--- ## Usage For best results: * **check** nextup when starting activity on a project to lower your barrier to entry and avoid losing context when switching between development sessions. * **update** a nextup when switching away from a project by recording one achievable action to complete when you next pick the project up or by simply capturing the state you are leaving things in. Note there is a fixed maximum of 3 projects to focus efforts. ### Flow These are some commands you might want to try working into your routine: `nextup`: lists all current projects and their nextups ``` > nextup a: complete nextup cli tool nextup: update the usage section in README b: my_cool_game development nextup: fix the chicken ai - broken pathplanning on level 4 c: FKT the Everest Summit nextup: get new legs ``` `nextup set `: sets a project's title or short description and resets any previous nextup ``` > nextup set a 'build a lunar lander' set a: build a lunar lander nextup: ____ ``` `nextup <a, b, c> <nextup>`: sets a project's nextup ``` > nextup a 'source an altimeter' set a: build a lunar lander nextup: source an altimeter ``` `nextup <a, b, c>`: reports the nextup for a project ``` > nextup a a: build a lunar lander nextup: source an altimeter ``` `nextup reset`: resets all projects and nextups ``` > nextup reset a: ____ nextup: ____ b: ____ nextup: ____ c: ____ nextup: ____ ``` ### Analysis **TODO** - Usage analysis across project lifespan ## Installation ### From Binary Release You can find the binary files in the releases for this repository. **On Ubuntu:** Install with sudo install ./Downloads/nextup /usr/bin ### From [crates.io](crates.io) cargo install nextup ### From Source You can `cargo run` this repository, adding any arguments with `--`. To enable the logger, set `RUST_LOG=debug`. **Example:** env RUST_LOG=debug cargo run --bin nextup -- a 'what's nextup for project a' ### Where is my data going? Project data is stored in the standard user-invisible configuration file location for your operating system. For more information and path lookups see the [`directories` crate](https://crates. io/crates/directories). Log data powering the analysis features is stored in a local SQLLite database file as described in the docs for the [turbosql crate](https://docs.rs/turbosql/latest/turbosql/#wheres-my-data). ## License This project is licensed under either of * Apache License, Version 2.0, ([LICENSE-APACHE](LICENSE-APACHE) or http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0) * MIT license ([LICENSE-MIT](LICENSE-MIT) or http://opensource.org/licenses/MIT) at your option.