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In short, this SDK allows writing NGINX modules using the Rust language. ## Build NGINX modules can be built against a particular version of NGINX. The following environment variables can be used to specify a particular version of NGINX or an NGINX dependency: * `ZLIB_VERSION` (default 1.3) - * `PCRE2_VERSION` (default 10.42) * `OPENSSL_VERSION` (default 3.0.7) * `NGX_VERSION` (default 1.23.3) - NGINX OSS version * `NGX_DEBUG` (default to false)- if set to true, then will compile NGINX `--with-debug` option For example, this is how you would compile the [examples](examples) using a specific version of NGINX and enabling debugging: ``` NGX_DEBUG=true NGX_VERSION=1.23.0 cargo build --package=examples --examples --release ``` To build Linux-only modules, use the "linux" feature: ``` cargo build --package=examples --examples --features=linux --release ``` After compilation, the modules can be found in the path `target/release/examples/` ( with the `.so` file extension for Linux or `.dylib` for MacOS). Additionally, the folder `.cache/nginx/{NGX_VERSION}/{OS}/` will contain the compiled version of NGINX used to build the SDK. You can start NGINX directly from this directory if you want to test the module. ### Mac OS dependencies In order to use the optional GNU make build process on MacOS, you will need to install additional tools. This can be done via [homebrew](https://brew.sh/) with the following command: ``` brew install make openssl grep ``` Additionally, you may need to set up LLVM and clang. Typically, this is done as follows: ``` # make sure xcode tools are installed xcode-select --install # instal llvm brew install --with-toolchain llvm ``` ### Linux dependencies See the [Dockerfile](Dockerfile) for dependencies as an example of required packages on Debian Linux. ### Build example Example modules are available in [examples](examples) folder. You can use `cargo build --package=examples --examples` to build these examples. After building, you can find the `.so` or `.dylib` in the `target/debug` folder. Add `--features=linux` to build linux specific modules. **NOTE**: adding the "linux" feature on MacOS will cause a build failure. For example (all examples plus linux specific): `cargo build --package=examples --examples --features=linux` ### Docker We provide a multistage [Dockerfile](Dockerfile): # build all dynamic modules examples and specify NGINX version to use docker buildx build --build-arg NGX_VERSION=1.23.3 -t ngx-rust . # start NGINX using [curl](examples/curl.conf) module example: docker run --rm -d -p 8000:8000 ngx-rust nginx -c examples/curl.conf # test it - you should see 403 Forbidden curl -v -H "user-agent: curl" # test it - you should see 404 Not Found curl -v -H "user-agent: foo" ## Usage A complete module example using the SDK can be found [here](examples/curl.rs). You can build it with `cargo build --package=examples --example=curl` then set up NGINX to use it: For example: ```nginx daemon off; master_process off; # unix: # load_module modules/libcurl.so; # error_log logs/error.log debug; error_log /dev/stdout debug; working_directory /tmp/cores/; worker_rlimit_core 500M; events { } http { access_log /dev/stdout; server { listen 8000; server_name localhost; location / { alias /srv/http; # ... Other config stuff ... curl on; } } } ``` ## Support This SDK is currently unstable. Right now, our primary goal is collect feedback and stabilize it be before offering support. Feel free [contributing](CONTRIBUTING.md) by creating issues, PRs, or github discussions. Currently, the only supported platforms are: * Darwin (Mac OSX) * Linux platform ## Roadmap If you have ideas for releases in the future, please suggest them in the github discussions. ## Contributing We welcome pull requests and issues! Please refer to the [Contributing Guidelines](CONTRIBUTING.md) when doing a PR. ## Authors and acknowledgment This project uses some great work from [dcoles/nginx-rs](https://github.com/dcoles/nginx-rs), [arvancloud/nginx-rs](https://github.com/arvancloud/nginx-rs). ## License All code in this repository is licensed under the [Apache License v2 license](LICENSE.txt).